¿Llega el ‘Britcoin’? The United Kingdom plants a cryptocurrency of its own


19 April 2021 21:06 GMT

Authorities will announce the formation of a working group to study the viability of the initiative.

Rishi Sunak, Minister for Hacienda del Reino Unido, proposed that Monday at the Central Bank of the Netherlands consider the possibility of launching a national cryptocurrency, led by a statement on the website of the British Government.

“We have created a new working group between the Treasury and the Bank of England to coordinate the exploration work on a possible digital currency of the central bank,” the minister said during the UK FinTech Week conference, quoted by Reuters. Poco después, Sunak tuiteó the word “Britcoin” in response to the announcement of the Ministry of Finance’s working group.

The Banco de Inglaterra dijo in a communiqué respected published this month that a digital version of the book esterlina does not replace the effective physical or affect the existing bank accounts. “The Governor and the Bank of England have not yet taken the decision on the introduction of a digital currency respected by the central bank in the United Kingdom, and will work closely with interested parties to study benefits, risks and practical aspects of it. scoring the entity.

Central banks of various countries, such as China or Russia, are currently in the process of preparing to issue a digital version of the national currencies. This step will allow economic agents to have direct accounts in the central bank, which will drastically change the current design of national financial systems.
