Liz Cheney becomes the last Republican of the House condemned by the state party for her vote to accuse Trump

In the motion to condemn Cheney, who easily survived the House Republican convention vote, to remain in her leadership position earlier this week, the state Republican Party also asked her to resign “immediately.” The party intends to withhold ‘future political funding’ from her, the motion reads. It also asked her to repay donations for the 2020 campaign of the state GOP and any Republican parties in the province.

“My vote of accusation has been compelled by the oath I swore to the Constitution. Wyoming citizens know that this oath does not bow or concede to politics or bias,” Cheney said in a statement Saturday.

“I will always fight for Wyoming’s values ​​and stand up for our Western way of life. We have great challenges ahead as we move forward and fight the disastrous policies of the Biden government. I look forward to continuing with officials and citizens. “to work across Wyoming to be the most effective voice and advocate for the defense of our families, industries and communities,” she added.

Cheney has faced intense backlash from Trump loyalists in her party over her vote last month to accuse Trump of “inciting insurgency” following the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Cheney said in a statement before his vote that Trump “called this crowd, called the crowd together and lit the flame of this attack.”

“There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” she said at the time.

House Republicans voted 145 to 61 on Wednesday to keep Cheney as conference chair after she defended her support for accusation during a controversial closed-door conference meeting.

Cheney, who was one of only ten Republicans to vote for a second time to accuse Trump, told CNN on Wednesday she did not regret her accusatory vote. “Absolutely not,” she said.
The other nine lawmakers also faced a flurry of anger at home, with Republican officials, donors and voters condemning their votes, and primary challengers starting their campaigns early. Last week, the Republican Party in South Carolina voted to formally reprimand Representative Tom Rice, who delivered one of the most surprising votes for accusation.

This story was updated with a statement from Cheney on Saturday.
