‘Liverpool are not ours or my players’; Klopp about Superliga

The Liverpool coach, Jürgen Klopp, this month you have been “consulted” about the project of Superliga fundado el lunes vir 12 klubs, entre ellos el suyo, y aseguró no tener “no problem” with la real champions.

“Escuché hablar por primera vez ayer (domingo). We have some information, but not much more, sinceramente, de lo que se podía leer in los diarios “, explained the German technician on the canal Sky Sports antes of the party against Leeds that closes this Monday the 32ª jornada of the Premier League.

“People are not content and can understand, but they have much more to say, because no smokers consulted during the process, neither the players nor you“, añadió.

The German technique, which in the past was expressed in opposition to the creation of the Superliga, made sure he did not change his mind.

“My sueño always has to train a team, because the supuesto has no problem with the Champions.

“Like the competitive aspect of football, I like the idea that West Ham (currently 4º classified by the Premier League and virtually classified for the Champions) can play the Champions next season. We do not want to be classified to be honest, because we also want to be, but we want to have an opportunity“, continued.

Klopp, however, refrained from criticizing abruptly that his club was part of the Superliga’s founders.

“We do not have all the information, it is because of which 12 teams he has. ingresos.

Do you think that clubs are for money, but for UEFA what do they want? “Ironically, the same day UEFA presented its new format of the Champions League, which has 32 to 36 participating teams.
