Lionel Messi suffers the first eviction of his career as a Barça player

Lionel Messi revealed 40 days later on the day he made his debut with the Argentine national team. A code of Hungarian Vanczák, on the intention of escaping the agrarian from the magician provoked his first king, on August 17, 2005 in Budapest. With the Barça no leg up to his party number 753 … And in a game no equal but with the same resemblance to that of 15 years ago.

Marked by the market, on occasions of legitimacy, by the defenders of Athletic in beating the Barça in desperation the empathy in the final of the Supercopa, in the agrarian of Villalibre, in any way, Messi responded soltándole a clear manotazo. Although the arbitrator had to consult the player with the monitor of the VAR the aggression of the captain azulgrana clear and decommissioned in a red card that avoids acabase the party … And that can have consequences for the player.

Only the evictions of the superstitious Leo have increased the length of his career. Después de aquella en Hungría, el ’10’ vio la tarjeta roja por una trifulca con el chileno Gary Medel, en el primer tempo del party por el tercer puesto de la Copa América 2019, cuando se revolva de mala manera con el defensor de la Roja in a party replete of nerves …

Tens of nerves like the one at home, in which Messi, who appeared to have not played in the semi-final in front of the Real Sociedad, intended to lead like a good shot at Barça, not escalating at all, firing the protagonist, firing the balloon that rebutted in a mededinger desembocó in the 1-0 of Griezmann and that good combination with his teammates, although the physique does not always support him.

Messi, who was waiting for the final of the Copa ante el Valencia in El Villamarín, wanted to find his title in Sevilla … And again he was forced into a game that provoked a sanction that could pass the bill to the azulgrana team.
