Lio Messi and Luis Suárez will play for Inter Miami in 2022

The separation between Lio Messi and Luis Suárez during the verano market of 2020 was extremely painful, as they are deloso to set up to create a strong lock inside the locker room at FC Barcelona, ​​and it is only the Uruguayan who is converted into one of the great goalscorers of the blue team, the decision-making team to sell to the Atlético de Madrid, algo that molesto in demasia to both players.

However, it seems that these could be reconciled, but series of laws of Spain and, in general, of the ‘Continent Old’ the clubs of the Major League Soccer the esperan with the brazos abiertos, more specifically, David Beckham’s team.

According to information from Catalunya Radio, The Inter Miami team will take on both stars in the North American football team, by donde han pasade estrellas como el propio Beckham, Zlatan, David Villa, Pirlo, entre muchos otros.

News that Messi revives rumors about interested in playing MLS during the end of the week, now that the information in the Catalan media has been surpassed, as long as there will be real reality during the 2022 season.

The final of his contracts

For now, Lio Messi’s contract is the closest to termination, although Barcelona have worked for the Argentine renewal, it is a renowned show and will be able to sell the team the next step.

On the other hand, Uruguayan Luis Suárez ends his contract with Atletico Madrid in 2022, because this may be the year when both stars meet to play at Inter Miami.
