Lindor contract includes $ 21 million per firm | Deport

NUEVA YORK– Francisco Lindor will receive a voucher of 21 million dollars for having stamped his company in the contract with the Mets that enters the vignette next year.

Boricua campocorto was taken to Cleveland on January 7, carrying a cane. One week later, he agreed to a settlement for one year and 22.3 million dollars.

The new convention, announced April 5, raises $ 341 million over 10 years. Example of the bonus payment by the company through the approval of the agreement by the office of the commission of the Grand Leagues.

Lindor will receive annual salaries of 32 million dollars starting in 2021.

Of this figure, 5 million will differ without interest each year.

The torpedo will receive bonuses of 50,000 dollars each time it is selected in the Estrellas Game, well, when you win a Guante de Oro, a Bate de Plata or a prize for the Most Valuable Player of the National League Series.

You will receive 50,000 dollars if the number is the Most Valuable Player of the Major Leagues, 25,000 will finish second in the voting and 10,000 will be third.

Its 100,000 dollar series is the Most Valuable Player of the World Series.

In the contract there is a provision that allows the driver to block his cane to club clubs. If you meet with the Mets for 2025, you can get any cane.

In addition, Lindor can accommodate a hotel suite during the turns. On the other hand, the company also has the right to buy four ballots in selected locations and occupy a lot of space for all the regular timekeepers in the house.

If no agreement has been reached, Lindor will be in a position to declare himself a free agent at the conclusion of the World Cup.
