Lima: Sociedad de Medicina Intensiva revela que 650 patient esperan camas UCI

Nearly 650 patients of COVID-19 in Lima hope for a single UCI, 50% of the national-level figure, revealed the Peruvian Society of Intensive Medicine.

Sonia Chumbe, wife of Isabel Ramos (58), one of the patients in the hospital, said that together with her husband he had sought out the financial resources to purchase medical equipment that the Octavio Mongrut hospital had no account of.

Sonia transferred to her mother from Huacho to Mongrut. Siete días de espera llevaron a su familia a venderlo tode par compra una cama UCI.

Prohibition of sins, Richard Requena, director of Villa EsSalud Villa Mongrut, manifests that there is no suitable position for the familiares de la paciente puedan armar una cama UCI. “It is not only the bed, but also different equipment that helps the patient”, ver verlikning.

Required indicates that the installation of a UCI cama only requires the physical space, including human resources for patient attention.

Valverde and Requena called on the public to take care of the precautionary measures that are needed, since hospitals have increased capacity to accommodate new patients.
