Lillini fue a la yugular al VAR y Brizio por polemic gol annulado

Andrés Lillini, technical director of Pumas, is the direct target of the Yugular Tanto at VAR, the arbitrators and the President of the Arbitration Commission, Arturo Brizio, luego de la polemica de este domingo ante Toluca, donde le annularon un gol a los felinos, because Emanuel Montejano the “star” of Dedos López.

At the press conference, Lillini, questioned how much Brizio as the arbitrators, también se quedan sin trabajo por malos results, tal y coma pasa con trainers de los equipos.

The President of the Commission of Arbitration, as well as the VAR, will appear before the President, as a result of what will happen to our work, make sure all teams have more legitimate teams why are we sacrificing a goal that changes the game“, at the time that the strategist signaled that Luis Enrique Santander, the party’s referee, explained that the goal had been annulled by obstruction.

With the arbitration, hay que ver si a ellos les cuesta la mismo que a nosotros, si no tienen la quality“, Lillini insists.

The good news for Pumas, that Commander Juan Ignacio Dinenno, is available for the next game ante León, in which the felines are urged to win.


For his part, Toluca’s technician, Hernán Cristante, considered that the goal was to correct the University, even though it was normal for Pumas to be happy.

“In the game, if you have some offside and interfere some with the pelota, you mark. The VAR has a good manner, as well as our feelings as equivocan, fue un acierto. Que es polemic, sí. By agreeing to the likes and dislikes, we will defend what we believe is convenient “.
