Liga Betplay: Tía Freddy Guarían verdedig ‘n jugador de Millonarios, sentimientos reprimidos | Colombian football | Betplay League

The crisis that plagued footballer Freddy Guarín’s passing of jewels at his family’s home, in Medellín, due to the fact that he was detained by the police, has led to criticism and sentiments that have been circulating since then.

The proprietor asked for respect for his intimacy and reconciliation, in a communication, which in effect led to a difficult personal situation, regarding what happened to her, Margarita Vásquez.

“Pido loses the country for this situation”, made the words of the family of the millionaire’s judge in an interview with Caracol Radio.

The woman explained that Guarín “loves her fathers, has done everything because she is good. She has always been present with our needs” and that “the song she has in her ropes is from her husband, she breaks with the material”, in allusion to the video that circulated extensively about the familiar river in which the football player was involved.

“This video shows many negative things, it’s tranquil at the moment. It’s revising its life, it’s reuniting with it … I’m not talking to myself, but Fredy is a good person,” he added.

According to Vásquez, the situation in which his brother-in-law lives is “a deep pain”, and a sum of emotions that has affected many years: “it is an accumulation of repressed feelings that he has lived, so abused. the life of him to make use of what he has and maneja … He has strong emotions. Everything that happened was an accumulation of situations that came from the past “, comment, details his personal problems, which between Other things to keep in mind are the various types of training available.

The footballer’s parent concludes that she and her family are happy with Millionaires: “Fredy wants a lot of Millionaires because his dad loves the team, since he was always there”.
