Libertad los 11 capturados por la violación y assesinato de azafata filipina, el brutal crimen cometido en fiesta de Año Nuevo | El Salvador News

The Makati tax office warns that it has no sufficient evidence to determine that sexual abuse has been dealt with and that the Philippine Police have to rob the case investigation.

The 11 detainees related to the violation and death of the azafata Christine Angélica Dacera fueron puestos en libertad por falta de pruebas en su contra.

Christine Angelica’s homicide took place during a party with the motto of Año Nuevo at the luxurious City Garden Hotel, in Makati, Philippines.

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According to local media, such as The Philippine Daily Inquirer, the young man who works for Philippine Airlines, assisted in the party held at the hotel with a group of friends and celebrated continuous celebration in one of the same homes.

Pictures of the security rooms of the hotel hosted by Christine Angélica Dacera rumbo a la habación.

The next morning, one of the assistants lives and sleeps in the vacant bathroom, sleeps. “The cover with a manta and the day descends”, the police report signals.

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On the eve of the 10th of the first day of the month of 2021, the same person, who was in front of the manger with the manta, noted that the young man “Estaba poniéndose azul”, and called it emergencias, but all escaped.

Christine Angélica Dacera. Instagram photos, user xtinedacera

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Sondeverbod, timed after the detentions, the 11 employees paid in liberty debated to the Makati tax office notice that it does not have sufficient evidence to determine that a violation has been committed and that the Flipinas Police will be robust to investigate the case.

“In the same way, if a homicide is committed, the person responsible has not determined the most probable means”, announces the resolution of the Fiscalia, quoted by ‘CNN Filipinas’.
