Liberian frontline agents detained migrant families in the United States through a new Mexican state

A new Mexican has provoked a change of scenery on the front lines: the authorities in the state can not send the migrants to the neighboring country.

Donald Trump’s Gobierno Empezo resumes in March of this year passed asylum seekers on the front market on an order of emergency against the coronavirus pandemic: with the argument to avoid contagious is sold in practice the ingress of immigrants, who will be returning to Mexico.

Sondeverbod, the Mexican Governor approved in November a reform of its migration prevent the detention of nieces and nephews, for the sake of accepting the issue of these immigrants by the Office of the Aduanas and the Fronteriza Protection (CBP, by its English Seals), the new officials of the Administration presided over by Joe Biden on the records of The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Each has more people cruising the illegal mode front, bordering the detention centers estadounidenses in some cities. Stephanie Malin, spokeswoman for CBP, said that the precautionary measures against the pandemic and the social distance measures, some installations have been expanded to include “secure detention capacity”.

La Patrulla Fronteriza made more than 73,000 detainees and December, looking for the double of the more than 40,000 registered in July. The diary arrests were made in the last week, according to officials, an impulse driven by families and children.

In some areas of the frontier, the agents can not send to these immigrants from Mexico to have no space for detainees. This entails an option: liberals have the hope that their asylum application process will be completed.

The impact on the front: only in some cities

Native American National Security officials said the order of emergency ahead of the Trump pandemic was necessary to prevent coronavirus from spreading to detention centers, even though it is vulnerable to vulnerable families presenting their asylum applications.

Since they were issued in March, the authorities in the United States he expelled more than 390,000 migrants in Mexico or its origins. The standard reduces the number of detainees detained to allow agents to conduct regular refugee solicitation procedures and make rapid deportations. If 90% of those who cross the front are illegally logged out.

[La situación de miles de migrantes en la frontera de México empeora a diario]

The new Mexican standard changes this situation. ‘Mexico now only accepts adults, no families or children”, Explained a stadium official in The Washington Post.

The medium, which enters vigor in black, does not impact in all the front of the same mode.

In the Great Rio Valley in Texas, the frontboat tram for illegal cruises, adults who are traveling with their children to the Patrol Front at McAllen to be registered and checked, by the general, los liberan, dijeron funcionarios de Immigration.

An agent of the Fronteriza Patrol detained a group of immigrants who illegally entered illegal territory near McAllen, Texas, in one of the frontier crosses with mayoral activity (Archive). AP

The Biden Administration can not send to these immigrants to the Mexican city of the other front of the front, Reynosa. In recent years, Central American families have chosen this route to enter the United States, respecting persecution, violence, and the poverty of its origins.

But in other places like Nogales, Arizona, the estate agents siguls expulsion to adults and also enter families, which dies in the calls of Mexico in the refuge of refugees.

Tampoco is clearly like the affective norm in other areas of the frontier. The Mexican authorities have not been notified with respect to the change, and have not given any specifications.

The cambio presents a challenge for the new Administration. One of the main preoccupations is the release of a large scale of fathers and daughters desencadene una oleada de immigration, as has happened in other opportunities.

The cities on the front also have hay an increase in contagios, ya que migrantes suelen ser liberados sin que se hagan las pruebas de coronavirus.

“We can attend a repentant increase [de familias], we can attend the Immigrant Legion, but the difference now is the COVID-19 “, said Roel Rodríguez, Municipal Administrator of the Texas City of McAllen.

Coming soon following the families

Biden has promised to restore the frontiers of asylum on the front lines and establishes a series of executive orders this week ordering the Administration to review Trump’s restrictive policies, such as the Quédate program in Mexico.

Without embarrassment, the new Administration has not published details when the pandemic emergency rule is lifted which established Trump and that in continuous practice expelling migrant families.

A federal juez levated a block on the rule, impeding that United States reinstate the nine migrants unaccompanied. Casa Blanca said it would like to expel the minors, allowing them to go to refugee camps.

[Biden propondrá un camino a la ciudadanía para los indocumentados y acabar con la prohibición del asilo. ¿Qué tan rápido puede lograrse?]

Biden has also told migrants that they are considering traveling as “this is not the time to come to the United States”. Last week, the spokesman for the White House, Jen Psaki, indicated that time is not needed “To put in place an immigration process so that the people can be treated humanely”.

The Migrant Policies of Mexico

For its part, Mexico has celebrated some of Biden’s first actions in favor of the migrants, promising to collaborate on its own path as to what it does not require assistance from.

It contains various express expressions from Telemundo News, the Mexican Governor has not specified what is going on with the Mexican lad or details of this possible cooperation program to address the causes of migration through poverty and violence.

The decision of the country to prohibit the detention of minors has increased good reception among the defenders of human rights.

[México nunca pagó el muro fronterizo. Pero ¿y el resto de promesas de Trump?]

“Mexico is taking a decisive step towards the final detention of immigrants on immigration grounds and their support is promising and promising,” said Gillian Triggs, High Commissioner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Learn more about The New York Times and The Washington Post.
