Liberian 10 guacamayas rojas and Copán Ruinas

Copán, Ruinas, Honduras.

Fueron 10 copies of the National Ave of Honduras the liberated this Saturday in the Macaw Mountain Park, located in Copan Ruinas, during the seventh release of guaras that take place in the west of the country.

The activity, coordinated by the Organization for the Protection of Las Aves PRO-ALAS, Macaw Mountain Bird Park in Marca Pais Honduras, was carried out with a limited public and with a live transmission through Honduras National Television and the social speeches of the organizers.

Since 2011, he has released 70 views of the guaras and the oxides of the pais, and no more than 1,000 years old. Four of these liberations are located in the Mayan site of Copan, es decir, the archeological zone of the Mayan civilization, and two in the Sagrado valley of Guacamaya Roja, which includes the municipalities of Copan Ruins, Santa Rita, Cabañas and San Jerónimo , with an extension of less than 870 square kilometers.

Aves refuge

Macaw Mountain is a center for rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing animals that have an approximation of 300 species and are classified into 30 species, the species being considered as a national organ by the inhabitants of the zone.

Macaw Mountain began working with the Copan Ruinas community in 2011 to restore a red guarantor population to the Archaeological Park. The Aves and Natural Reservation Park has more than 15 years of compromise in direct action on ex-conservation actions and a declaration of liability in the manner of avenues, guaras mainly, rehabilitated lions and pericardiums of deeds, donations, births and other finalize in reintroductions and releases livatable and exits.

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To log a release requires groups of aves complete lists to fly. The six releases made since 2011 in Copan Ruinas were carried out in the form of accumulated private donations, made by the governmental authorities such as the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF), and others by the United States. en aviarios en Macaw Mountain.

The Sagara Valley of the Guara Roja is a declaration of agreement between the leaders of the communes for the protection of the Guara Roja and is considered to have sagra in the Mayan civilization, in addition to all the species that inhabit the Copan Valley in an area that includes 870 square kilometers. This agreement was signed between the members of the four municipalities: Copan Ruinas, Santa Rita, Cabañas and San Jerónimo, on April 11, 2016.

Support for reintroduction of aves

Prior to its release, Marca País Honduras will continue to support the Brindle Incubation and Creation Assistance Center (Cica), the first center of its kind in the country.

The Cica is a joint meeting coordinated between the organization for the protection of the Pro-Alas avenues, the Macaw Mountain avenue park, the World Parrot Trust (Loros World Cup Foundation) and the support of the Welchez Foundation, the Honduran Institute of Tourism (IHT), the Institute of Forest Conservation (ICF), the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History (Ihah) and Marca País Honduras.

The founder of Macaw Mountain as president of Pro-Alas, Lloyd Davidson, refirió that this organization is a direct consequence of the reintroduction program of the Guara Roja in the valley of Copán.

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“The guacamayas fly by their spectacular presence, we will cover many things, including the experience of the visitors in the archeological park, including the legacy of holding his own festival festival (Guacamaya Fest)”, indicated.

“These are part of the efforts to promote tourism, biodiversity and the national order, programs such as these (for the liberation of birds) are very important for the country because they involve the conservation of our species and represent an attractive area. the history and cultural richness of Copan Ruinas ”, affirmed the coordinator of Marca País Honduras, Luis René Suazo.

“It’s impressive to think and value that we are better off in freedom. The idea must always be thought of in the national ave as our books, ”the official indicated.
