Liberan in Mexico mother of Wilto who was abandoned on the front

“My courage goes to the hall of allegory and goosebumps”, assures this manor Meylin del Socorro Obregón, “imagine, as far as we go”.

La mujer, de origen nicaragüense, fue presuntamente sequuestrada en México tras emigrate junto su su hijo hacia Estados Unidos. The minor, Wilto Gutiérrez, 10 years old, was walking alone wandering along the front to the beginning of the month. His mother was released, having been in contact with her family, although she was abducted by the perpetrators.

“I will not talk about explaining the great allegiance of the wolf to abraze me and say that we are well off,” the woman said to her wife Misael Obregón in a telephone call when she was interviewed by Telemundo News.

‘Stay well, thanks to God. Ya salí de este martirio ”, agregó.

The sequel in Mexico

Wilto’s mother was released immediately following her visit to Mexico, informing her husband of these miracles. “Thanks Diosito lindo for this moment more allegorical of my life, which notices much greater what he has received”, dijo a traverses of a video posted on the social red Youtube.

Había sido secuestrada junto a su hijo poco despu de ser devueltos a México por las migrators Authorities statadounidenses tras cruzar la frontera illegally.

The minor was released after he paid $ 5,000 in arrears, according to the man, who lives in Miami, Florida. The circumstances of the release of his mother are known.

[Partió con su mamá, pero no llegó con ella: familiares del niño migrante al que dejaron “botado” en la frontera cuentan cómo llegó hasta allí]

Wilto Gutiérrez and his mother, Meyling Obregón Leiva, share an image shared with the family.Cortesía

Asked in a reply to an interview with Univision Noticias, the female replied: “I do not want to talk about it at this moment, quizzes me voy a llevar un tiempo”.

“I’ve been through the news, I’ve not been able to explain it, I’m just gonna say it’s alistara, I’m not going to have the agreement here and I’ban have to go to another place and I’m going to have to go to a sunny part, abandoned” , aggregate.

These late night thistles can be had with their honeymoon in Brownsville, Texas.

“The day that is not preoccupied, that is not lost, that everyone has to sell well and that we are ready to be together”, assured the mother during her interview with Telemundo News.

The image that went viral

The drama of this mother and her hijacking goes viral on social media while publishing the minor pictures helping a frontier agent. In the case of lawsuits, he told the agent that he found solitary confinement in Texas alone that the persons with whom he had crucified said he had been “beaten.”

“Can I help you?”, Implore the minor while waiting for the agent. “I’ve been living with a group of people and I’m recovered and I’m not pregnant,” he explained.

The moment is converted into a symbol of the poor who suffer the unaccompanied minors to the side of cruising the front.

The minor has emigrated from a rural area of ​​Nicaragua with his mother in February. She decided to look for a better future in the United States while separating from her couple. His idea was to raise a family living in Florida.

After the father of the niece, Lázaro Gutiérrez, applied for his repatriation to Nicaragua, he said that only days before he climbs in the United States: tío ”, afirmó Gutiérrez el sábado.

The ten-year-old is embarrassed by the fact that he has quarreled with his family in the United States and, according to Telemundo News, firm reunified solicitation trust in order for the Gobierno to be enthralled, before the release of his mother.

For Meylin Obregón, the possibility that he will return to Nicaragua is something that Angustia. According to her husband, the child has no choice but to flee with his father; además, dijo, Lázaro Gutiérrez maltrataba a madre y niño.

The female Nicaraguese Meyling Obregón and her 10 year old Wilto Gutiérrez in a photo taken by the family.Cortesía

[En video: Un coyote lanza a dos niñas desde el muro en la frontera antes de huir]

For his part, the Consul of Nicaragua in Texas, Samuel Trejos, confirmed – the Telemundo News on Tuesday the intention of the Governor who represents the repatriation of Wilto Gutierrez.

“Considering that the family is the fundamental nucleus of society, in fact there is a father who is responsible for the obligation to support the father, the father, the family”, said Trejo in a telephone interview.

Nine migrants not accompanied by Patrol Fronteriza to the city of Rio Grande, Texas.Anjel Hernandez via Facebook

The case has been notorious in Nicaragua, where Vice President Rosario Murillo publicly responded to the request that Wilto Gutiérrez regress to the country, as he shared the public opinion of the Allies.

“I’ve the courage to go to Rosario Murillo who’s asking for the man in the conscience of not doing more than he did when he was high, he was very traumatized when he said that the Governor of Nicaragua wanted him. llevar para atrás ”, said Misael Obregón in an interview with Notemias Telemundo.
