Lety Calderón ya fue dada de alta

See what the actress Lety Calderon había confirmed in his social speeches that había was positive about the Covid-19, and that has been interned for many medical reasons, and that transcendence has presented some complications.

We have the opportunity to talk on the phone with her, and our platform in exclusive and antes that nadie que este día, Jueves 21 de enero habia sido ya dada de alta y que se encontraba en su casa siguiendo las indications de sus medicos y continuous et su tratamiento.

The actress is very good.

“I am interned, but very well attended by a large medical group. This is time and time again. Thank you [email protected] by his preoccupation ”.

Lety Calderón.

Until the moment, Lety finds himself unprepared for interviews before we confirm that he finds firecracker, and following the indications of the specialists, command the Mexican people not to take the guard and follow carefully to avoid any member of our family being contagious.

Enhorabuena Lety.

It was a great project.
