“Let’s go everywhere!”: Vicente Fox congratulates Lupita Jones on running for governor of Baja California

    Vicente Fox Quesada (Photo: AFP)
Vicente Fox Quesada (Photo: AFP)

On the 3rd of March, the ex president of Mexico (2000-2006), Vicente Fox Quesada posted on his official Twitter account a congratulations to Miss Universe 1991, Lupita Jones, who accepts to be nominated for the governorate of Baja California.

Bravo, bravísimo, Lupita! Let’s go everywhere! Baja California te recibe con los brazos abiertos !! VA POR MEXICO, SI, POR MEXICO. LET’S GET THERE! Lupita Jones will be the candidate of the PRI, PAN and PRD for the governorate of Baja California ”, wrote the ex mandatario.

El tuit del ex mandatario has more than 100 “I like it” inside this social red, between the comments of reply to the same hay much people think that Lupita Jones alone is popular and has no character apt to gobernar, pues expresses no agreement with his candidacy.

I support Vicente Fox in Lupita Jones
I support Vicente Fox in Lupita Jones

María Guadalupe Jones Garay disputará la gubernatura de Baja California against Jorge Hank Rhon, by the Solidarity Encouragement Party; Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmedo, candidate of Movement Regeneración Nacional; y Alejandro Miungaray, who was by the Moving Party Ciudadano.

A user disputed the case of Vicente Fox in the following manner “No sense in telling you now – I don’t wanna ruin the suprise. Are you sure you want to give it a try? Necesitan subir el nivel, Morena debe de salir pero no nos escupan en la cara. ”.

Vicente Fox was criticized by the current governor of Mexico encased by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), on several occasions has resigned against the party that left the power of the tabasqueño, Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena), qualificandolo como “The most corrupt of history”.

Lupita Jones, Candidate for the Governorate of Baja California (Photo: Instagram by Lupita Jones)
Lupita Jones, Candidate for the Governorate of Baja California (Photo: Instagram by Lupita Jones)

In the year of this year, the state mandate, Jaime Bonilla expressed that the government’s contest “is not a beauty contest”, pero sí fuese, “le apostaría a Marina” (candidate of Morena).

This surgió when there was a possibility that Lupita Jones, the first Miss Universe mexicana (1991) would accept the candidate of the alliance “Va por Baja California” -formed by PRI, PAN and PRD.

Fue Elizabeth Pérez, Secretariat for Electoral Assistance and Politics of the Alliance Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) of the state, who confirmed the acceptance of the company as a candidate of the alliance “Va por México”, including in addition to the political parties, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the National Action Party (PAN).

“The candidacy is accepted, only we must accept the acceptance event of the three presidents”, mentioning the perredista function, Elizabeth Pérez, who also expressed that what happened last week when the ex reina de belleza notified the organization that she accepted the candidacy, because it is hoped that this week will be carried out a public act of presentation.

MEXICO CITY, 28FEBRERO2019.  - The ex President of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quesada PHOTO: MOISÉS PABLO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
MEXICO CITY, 28FEBRERO2019. – Ex President of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quesada PHOTO: MOISÉS PABLO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The ex president has realized the median Twitter criticisms and burlesque respecting other situations of the Electoral Jornada that will take place on the 6th of June this year.

The Ex President of Mexico (2000-2006) by the National Accession Party (PAN), califico de “Brutal, dishonesty and corrupt”, the behavior of the party founded by the current president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Movement of National Regeneration.

This is the statement of the charges against the governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca that if one knows the past martyrdom and why it seeks to be deprived.

Vicente Fox Quesada (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Vicente Fox Quesada (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The ex president of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quesada, also about the capture by Emma Coronel, identified by the authorities as the wife of Joaquín el “Chapo” Guzmán, the patient who is not preoccupied with being detained, then the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) la ayudaría.

The President López Obrador has had a controversial interaction with the family members of “Chapo”; off October 2019 was widely criticized by the capture and immediate release of Ovidio Guzmán.

In another polemical episode, The Mexican executive has filed a lawsuit against Consuelo Guzmán, mother of “Chapo” and one of these days was justified in saying: “An adult mayor deserves all my respect, Independently of who he is ”, afirmó.


“Brutal, dishonesty and corrupt”: Vicente Fox condemned the allegations against the governor of Tamaulipas and his dissatisfaction
“Ya está aceptada”: Lupita Jones applied for the governorate of Baja California through the alliance PAN, PRI and PRD
“It pays off in the national ballot box!”: Vicente Fox criticizes Morena’s inquiry into Guerrero’s candidacy
