Leticia Papa from Leticia Calderón causes virus

Lety Calderon’s Daddy Causes The Virus. Fue hace unas semanas quen el mundo de las redes reibió la notisia del contagio de la reconocida actress y sus hijos, hoy fue la misma Lety Calderón quien published in his official Twitter account the lamentable part of his father.

Leticia Calderón shared with his followers the popular social network of twitter the news of the party of his father Mario Calderón, who was found hospitalized in a battle against the virus. One day ago, the actress shared an emotional message related to the health of her family.

God !!! That allegiance is at home with my wives and my mother. Gracias a la vida, Gracias a la familia, a mis amig @ s, reporteros, fans por sus messages, oraciones, respeto y cariño. Only one is missing so my congratulations are complete. THANK YOU!

If you read his official Twitter account, his fans’ comments and other celebrities will not hesitate. Demonstrating the story that many have for the famous actress Leticia Calderón, dicha publication was made on the 21st of this year.

By degracia have one hour on the same medium Leticia Calderón shared the news that many of his followers have been discouraged, noting that his father lost the battle against the virus that was changing the life of all the actresses:

With the courage destroyed the room that my master, my friend and I will not go to his house. Decide to reunite with his dads and die with a big vacation. Te vamos’ n ekstraño mucho papito.

Without making an unexpected announcement to many fans and celebrities who adore Lety Calderón, of his remarks that cause pain and despair, his fans support and demonstrate their care for the time being and in these moments there will be no exception .

We share the publication of the actress Lety Calderón, have a time to receive the lamentable and sad news, the virus on this occasion won the battle and so despise Leticia Calderón to his dad, with an emotional message.
