Leticia Calderón sales of hospital tras luchar varios días contra el covid-19

City of Mexico.

Read more to confirm that Leticia Calderón is hospitalized at Covid-19, the actress is found in her house.

Through social speeches, the ray of Empire of Mentiras shared with his followers that ya se encuentra en su hogar.

“God! What allegiance is at home with my wives and my mother. Thank you to life, thanks to family, to my friends @ s, reporters, fans of his messages, oracions, respect and quarrel. Only one is missing for congratulations on your completion. ¡gracias! “, published the actress of Esmeralda.

January 14, Calderon writes in its social speeches that she and some of her relatives, without specifying women, are sidelined by the coronavirus.

“Corazones. I have not started this year with my favorite taste. I have all the various members of my family, including the few that are hidden by this enfermedad because we trust our inclusions. Thank you “, added.

A list of informants who have been interned and attended by a large group of physicians.

On the other hand, Ximena Duque he received the hospital altae where he was interned to lie against the bicho debido a una neumonia. now continues to recover in his Miami case, since he has been sick, but is preparing for the release of his Skye baby.
