Leticia Calderón is hospitalized for positive virus

Leticia Calderón has been hospitalized for positive effects on the Chinese virus, apparently the actress has been informed that she, like many members of her family, is contagious and has no indication that she has been infected with sinuses, so that “she has not been vaccinated since she was born. ”.

Leticia Calderón finds himself enjoying a downturn mercy in the company of his family has finalized the grabs of “Imperio de Mentiras”, his most recent telenovela the number will issue its final chapter this 17th year.

For Leticia Calderón, the 2020s have been a challenging year, then there will be more success in her professional career, where telenovelas like “Esmeralda”, “Labyrinth of Passion”, “In the name of love” in “Valeria and Maximiliano” to be privileged, also to make progress towards the critics through the detention of their father and wife.

One more time, Leticia Calderón built a hierarchical temple, sharing more of its personal life and giving Madure’s chair revealing details of its most important personal facet, the mother.

Admired for miles and as a great woman, example to follow, Leticia Calderón consolidated as a talented and respected celebrity, but also as a woman of low strength, love and confidence. Hoy, his followers help him with his recovery.

Leticia Calderón enters the hospital through complications and her greetings

Currently, Leticia Calderón lives with her husbands and even has all the necessary precautions to avoid a contagion of the Chinese virus, in the first days of 2021 the contact with various members of her family is included.

By means of Twitter, the proprietary Leticia Calderón confirms the notice, then if anything the distinctive is to avoid the schemes and share the life of the details of its most difficult situations.

Corazones. I did not start this year as I was interested. Pes aodos los cuidados varios membros de mi famili, incluyéndome fuimos alcanzados por esta enfermedad par lo que les pido nos incluyan en sus oraciones. Thank you ”.

In the post, Leticia Calderón did not go into detail about her hips, but today, the Addis Tuñón show periodical, where the Mexican actress was hospitalized and who personally confirmed the information through a message on WhatsApp.

Leticia Calderón was hospitalized on the night of the 15th of January and she was staying with her family. According to the actresses’ follow-up, he initiated oracation cases for his recovery and that of his family, hoping that in the next few hours there will be updates about his health.
