Lessons of the Chiefs’ victory over Bills in the AFC Championship

Kansas City will face offensive demos and Bills will not be able to form or neutralize at Arrowhead Stadium

Loose Kansas City Chiefs obtuvieron una victoria holgada ante los Buffalo Bills In the AFC Championship Game off Arrowhead Stadium this is domingo, and now only the rest will be a part to sum up the list of the 13 teams he has held titles in consecutive years in the history of the NFL.

Buffalo jugó impreciso, pero además, caresio de ese juego aggresso que en otras instance level de talent con respecto a otros equipos en el pasade recent.

Here, the most important thing that depends on the victory of the Chiefs:

Momento gorge: Abajo 9-0, los Chiefs armaron una offensive series of 14 games and 80 yards in the first period and starting points of the second that dictates the game course. Kansas City scoring with a short touchdown pass to Tyreek Hill which only pushes the first points in the marker, currently momentarily in 9-7, we also initiated a series of three consecutive series with the ovoid in the diagonals, to go to the mid-season set 21-12. In the second half, there were goals from the camp and another touchdown for the home team, which only played one game in the game, in its initial series. In other words, offensive demiada of the Chiefs.

Figura-kloof: Travis Kelce fue incomparable. El ala cerrada de los Chiefs was played with 13 receptions for 118 yards and two touchdowns, basically using the very good defensive secondary of Buffalo as sparring. In my opinion, this impression we find. For a team of los Bills with a lot of good elements in the ultimate defensive zone, there are four unlocked by Kelce, Hill and company, at the disposal of the certero.

The statistics gap: Fueron cuatro capturas sobre Josh Allen on the other hand, per 53 yards lost in those four catches, a number that is simply unacceptable. It’s good that part of the game of Allen he intends to extend the game to the maximum, with the piercings and with an enormous physique that he has difficulty getting rid of, but he has to say that when the battle is over he is lost and that he can use this cannon that he has to break ovoide fuera del campo. Allen hace muchísimo por poner a Buffalo in the position of winning, but all of them have to limit the games that come from them Bills in the position of losing.

Lo que sigue: Kansas City reserve flights and hotels by Tampa Bay, to play as a visitor in Raymond James Stadium in defense of its title of Super Bowl. With the announcement that the crews will be able to sit alone, the fours will prevail in the series, no series will have a better game, more executed, than under normal conditions, given that the COVID-19 pandemic has been affected by the distractions suelen tener the teams during the week before the meeting.

For them Bills, new hay that regress to the pizarra and find the mode of neutralizing the team that is maintained as the rival to win in the AFC. How do you feel about it? Good, I have more offensive arms to treat the arsenal of Kansas City, but also other defensive elements that help to detain.
