Lessons from the Rams’ Victory over the Seahawks in the NFC

Los Angeles Framework recovering from the injury of his quarterback title, and from the injury to his best player in plantar, to beat his divisional rivals Seattle Seahawks in the Comodines Ronda de la Conferencia Nacional.

John Wolford start as quarterback for the Frame, in place of Jared Goff, who suffers a lesion in the pulpit of the mano derecha during the Semana 16 ante los propios Seahawks. Prohibition of probes, at the initiative of the party, Wolford sufrió uni lesion al cuello que lo envio to hospital in ambulance from the stadium, during the same party, with Goff entering the enclosure, but showing little precision in his steps.

More late, defensive Aaron Donald sufrió unes lesion en las costillas que lo hizo dirigirse en dos aasiones al vestidor. Donald stand holding a brilliant party, pressing a Russell Wilson, antes de lesion en el segundo medio, y con el markador bajo control hacia el finale del juego, ya no volvió a ingresar.

If you go for a walk, in the last moments of the game, the receptor opens Cooper Kupp también se dirigió a los vestidores, lastimado, aunque él si fue factor durante la burgemeester parte del juego.

In continuation, the most important points that we need to start training in what is going on in the campaign Frame y Seahawks:

Momento gorge: The “pick-six” of Wilson, which is evolving Darious Williams 42 yards have the annotation. Wilson tiró lo que esperaba fuera un sencillo pase pantalla a DK Metcalf, pero Williams lay the game to perfection and anticipate the obedience and the intention of blocking Freddie Swain for the annotation that the marker opened at 13-3. The offensive of Seattle rhythm collection toda la noche, y la jugada sirvió para asentar la confianza de la defensid unidas los Frame, which is a dominant manner game.

Figura-kloof: Cam Akers. The new corridor of the Frame Imposition marked for a player making his debut in the playoffs for the franchise, with 131 yards on 28 yards with a touchdown, in addition to another 45 yards on two receptions, against a defensive tackle Seattle which at the moment is playing well. Without much aerial game of what to presume, the Frame deposit the game in the hands of Akers y él los guio hasta la victoria.

The statistics gap: 37-0. Is the brand of head coach Sean McVay in the NFL when his team arrives in the middle of the season, including the top three. When I read the interview in Lumenveld, and with them Frame for 20-10, Mcvay intended to lift the gauntlet of agreement to the little that we saw of them Seahawks in the first place, with all and sundry Goff no set and ideal conditions for playing.

What to look for: Loose Frame esperan mededinger de acuerdo a los dos partidos que restan por jugar en la Ronda de Comodines de la NFC, in which case it can be the turn of the defensive coordinator’s defecation Brandon Staley, which each will generate more interest for the teams that search for new hoofafrigter. Mientras tanto, Seattle if you want to think about how this team is going to be, todavia, in the sky by the first place in the summer of the Conference, ‘n una de las peores actuaciones de playoffs en la era Pete Carroll, en apenas una semana. Probably, start with a better protection for Wilson podría ser un buen primer paso.
