León vs Cruz Azul Liga MX (0-1): Máquina sumó sexto triunfo seguido

Leon sigue con campeonitis. Mientras tanto, Cruz Azul only the otorgó one hours the leader to America, pues pudo vencer to the champion of mexican football 1-0 thanks to Bryan Angulo, who entered the cambio and responded to Juan Reynoso.

It takes 80 minutes for the goal kick to be heard in the Nou Camp, on this occasion, neither the Fire nor the Machine will offer an emotional spectacle, on the contrary, felinos le robaron el spérico a los celestes, pero no supieron qué hacer con él y carecieron de option op alque.

For its part, the cement plant Lucia grows in the ultimate zone, Santiago Giménez not found in the box and on this occasion, the achievements of Orbelín Pineda y Luis Romo estuvieron ausentes.

Reynoso notes the shortness of the pelvis that holds on to the plant, while at the second time it changes cambios. Guillermo Fernández and Bryan Angulo to enter by Yoshimar Yotún and Giménez. One time accommodated, the Máquina tuvo mayor lucidez with Pineda more insistent and Rome with mayor coordination. In this Cruz Azul only Adrián Aldrete is missing a change of heart at the beginning of the game.

A dose of nervous nerves to the canteen with the eviction of Rafael Baca, without embarrassment, the VAR cancels the action and the card changes to the emerald color, which is what the banker breathes cement.

By the end, at minute 80, Rome and Rome made a perfect double. Luis rescató el spherico y armo la jugada, supported by Orbelín, who unveiled the parade so that the content filtered to the area with the Angulo sin marca, así, el ecuatoriano definió frente a Rodolfo Cota.

The annotation desperto a la Fiera, is aduñaron del spherico y en dos occasiones retaron a Jesús Corona. Inklusief, Ángel Mena was the most insistent, but at the time Reynoso fell in love with the result of Pablo Aguilar’s entry. Así, la Máquina se llevó la victoria para sumar 18 unidades y volver a la cima esta noche.
