Leo Horoscope – Viernes March 19, 2021 | Leo Horoscopes

Today, the 19th of March, Mercury’s trio in the Luna, and this brand has much lack of communication, the Mercury rationale does not intend the Luna romance and intuitive, There is a conflict between mind and courage.

Tenderness to express one’s ideas and emotions, it can bring conflicts to life in pairs and in work.

Holds Jupiter in the case of love the one who coveted, this power will not be his favor, even if the other person does not abuse your good courage.


The health of the capricorn is the energy of Capricorn, it has both the dominion of the epidermis, limping and tonifying the skin of the body and body is very beneficial.

Case 6 of the work is under the influence of Saturn, which is from the madurez and Experiencecia of your two years, as well as this energy to show as a capable worker.

In the case of the teenage couple in Libra, the cual te marka mucha Independence, and in the permanent relationship hopes to receive the same freedom that otorgas.


Ritual to balance energies

The case of the finances is aspect of Mercury, the quality is good and not, much but for the sake of being careful to take care of it.

Love: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.

Amistad: Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra

Solemos cuidar la piel del rostro y olvidarnos de la Mayoría de este organan que es de rest de la piel, una exfoliation en seco con een cepillo firme, de cerdas medias ayudará mucho.

