Leo Horoscope – Saturday, March 20, 2021 | Leo Horoscopes

Today, March 20, Venus has teenagers in Piscis, who wants a very romantic, tyrannical and passionate person. For the same, he was careful with what he related.

Today is a day in which quizzes, some love impossible real reality, Solo record save your heart.

Tens of Sagittarius in the case of love, as well as their chances of romance with some kind of economic level high or the important position they live in the extraterrestrial.


The case of the health in Saturn the one that runs the formation of calculators, as well as the diet and especially the grasses.

The casa de trabajo is influenced by Leo, el cual, con sus buesas qualités te convierten en un trabajador altmente competent et que no dejas nada a medias.

Saturn has ten in case 7 with its qualities in harmony with egoism, dissonance and indifference, all these are marked problems in the relationship of couple, but also teen in Venus in trigono, which suvaliza the situation by which it is.

Mercury is in the box office of the diner, the one of the best ideas to generate a good entry.


Love: Cancer, Scorpio and Piscis.

Amistad: Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra

You have planetary positions that vuelven vulnerable, but you have an incredibly strong force from Leo that you protect and you have security in your decisions.

Hablando with a spirit, part 2
