Leigh Nicol, player who thinks about suicide through photo filtering

With the legality of technology he has multiple people who are satisfied with the filtration of intimate photographs, one of them the football player Leigh Nicol, sketch that now play in the Crystal Palace, pero think about suicide when the world is full of wine.

This hecho se dio en 2019 cuando the hackearon the phone and its photographs were published. The content was some years ago, when it was 18 years old and its world started to be posted directly on Instagram and has been fighting to find team, which is not really related to its brand.

The hecho that drives a football player hizo that the images are diffused quickly if you can control it, ”said Sky Sports.

“I’ve been sober and sober now that I’ve been swearing that I’m sorry to quarrel and quarrel with Google, but it’s impossible to do so because my name is successful,” he added.

Nicol decision made by the deporte through the large gulf anime that represents it, it has taken care and suffers a deep depression, of which it is able to recover with therapy, although it has not been able to recover from everything due to which it has suffered.

“Entry into a vicious circle. Never mind a moment of tranquility. Todavía sufro ansiedad y tengo momentos en los que puedo levantarme de la cama. Now you can understand why the person is suicidal by things like this, because you are not superlared. “We need a change of perspective and the redemption of the adequate people”, commented.

Leigh will find in these entries his social speeches on all the recent messages and observations that received and recently the Volvo abrir, pero the problem of persistent death: “Todavía received comments. At least one at night. Kyk hy llegado a normalizar y eso me duele. It’s frustrating to be able to reconcile alone with it ”.

Through the end that we live, we meet an opportunity in the Crystal Palace to recompense, a team to which the import is passed and in the vestor has the photo of the arrow in which he thinks to commit suicide, to place his wishes as his companions.

“Sonrío cuando lo miro. No my entristece. No tiene recuerdos negativos para mí nie. I’m very grateful to have been able to supervise this period of my life. I kindly remember that everything is possible, and I put the things in perspective. Including a party day, when he had a lot of nerves, only I saw the arrow and I found that he was doing great things”, Confesó.
