Lego made a white noise playlist, and it takes me back to a kid

Lego has made a white noise playlist with Lego bricks, and it’s surprisingly relaxing. I no longer get many opportunities to build Lego sets, but I was already listening to the playlist as I wrote this story, and it takes me back to the hours I spent as a kid exploring spaceships with an ever-increasing number to build. of wings and laser guns.

The playlist has seven different tracks, each about 30 minutes long. Some sound like you’re sitting next to someone shuffling through a pile of bricks while you work on a building. I’m a big fan of ‘Searching for the One (Brick)’ because it captures the feeling of digging through a pile of bricks and eventually find the one piece you were looking for.

Other tracks use Lego bricks to create some amazing sound landscapes. One, ‘Wild as the Wind’, uses Lego bricks to convincingly mimic the sound of trees rustling in the breeze. Another, ‘The Waterfall’, sounds like you’re pouring out a giant brick for 30 minutes straight. And one track, “It All Clicks”, contains bricks that are cut together, creating a popcorn rhythm of satisfying clicks in your ears.

You can find the playlist on more than 15 streaming platforms, including Spotify and Apple Music.
