Legendary NASCAR driver reveals that he is a player with an impressive computer build

Dale Earnhardt Jr. goes to Twitter to show off his sturdy custom game rig, revealing that he’s been a computer gamer since at least the 90s.

Dale Earnhardt Jr. is perhaps best known as NASCAR royalty, but as it turns out, he is an equally diligent and technologically savvy player with a solid use PC to begin with. The former driver revealed to the NASCAR analyst on Twitter that he recently completed his first custom game equipment, and posted a photo showing his handiwork.

The Earnhardt family took its place as a dynasty in NASCAR history, beginning with Dale Jr. ‘s grandfather Ralph Earnhardt, and of course, including Dale’s legendary father, the late great Dale Earnhardt Sr., who died in a final round in 2001. Daytona 500. Dale Jr. carved his own legacy in the NASCAR track as the Pied Piper of Daytona during his 24 years as a professional driver, before retiring in 2018 to work as a NASCAR analyst, team owner and entrepreneur.

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But as it turns out, racing is not Earnhardt’s only passion. He has today Twitter that he also has a long-standing love for PC games that was as far back as the mid-90s, and for the first time built his own gameplay after years of hardware learning by upgrading prefabricated systems. He also posted a photo showing the rig’s black and red motif, which could be a tongue-in-cheek tribute to his late father’s famous number 3 car.

Of the photo Earnhardt posted on his Twitter account, not much is known about the rig’s specifications. , but Earnhardt keeps mum on the details (so far). But Earnhardt does express his enjoyment of IT work and how rewarding he finds it – perhaps a future venture for Dale as a moonlight if a NASCAR analyst does not come out.

It’s not really surprising that Dale is a gamer – he already has a presence on Twitch for iRacing.com, to begin with. It is also not surprising that it will be sharper on computer games as it is more technically adaptable and more versatile than console games. After all, a man who has spent most of his life learning the mechanical workings of extremely technically complex race cars has a taste for hardware. But while Dale joins Henry Cavill as a famous figure who makes a harbinger of personal PC buildings, he also makes the hobby more appealing to NASCAR’s more blue-collar audience.

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Source: Twitter / DaleJr.

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