Legendary issue changes camera shots focusing on Miranda’s back

Mass Effect’s project director reveals that the dated shots of Miranda’s were not included in the Legendary Edition.

The project director of Mass Effect revealed that the strict shots of Miranda’s did not make the cut for the restored games.

Bioware released the first trailer for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition earlier this week. Remastered versions of the first three Mass Effect games. A comparison of the old games with new games shows how different the games will look. They will also be missing some dated shots, as project director Mac Walters revealed of the games.

The shots in question are close-ups of Miranda’s backside, something Walters addressed during a recent interview with Metro. ‘Kevin [Meek] actually exclaimed some camera footage that just … why focus on Miranda’s butt? ‘, Walters explained, adding that the recordings did not make the restored trilogy. Meek is the character and environmental director of Mass Effect.

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via Plak magazine

The revelation that Miranda’s close – ups were subsequently asked by another question. Walters was asked if he felt that characters like the Asari, a race of alo-sex aliens, would feel a little out of place in a game 14 years after they were first introduced. Bioware is accused of visiting Mass Effect’s male players during the creation and inclusion of the Asari in the past.

“I don’t know if I would say we were ultra concerned about it or anything like that, but there were considerations,” Walters admitted. It therefore appears that the Asari will remain unchanged, except that it will of course be re-mastered along with the rest of the games. Mass Effect fans can experience the new version of the trilogy when it is released on May 14, 2021.

In case you didn’t know, it’s Mass Effect Week here at TheGamer to celebrate the unveiling of the trilogy’s Legendary Edition. There’s a load of Mass Effect content for you to check out, including that Samara’s code does not prevent her from engaging in romantic relationships, and the bomb that if it were not for Fox News, Mass Effect 2 ‘s Jack would have been pansexual. .

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