Legendario Thrower Don Sutton is 75 years old

Don Sutton, the Los Angeles Dodgers veteran who has more than 300 games in his career and has a niche in the Cooperstown Family Salon, murmured the moons, announced his wife, Daron, in social speeches.

El tenía 75 years.

“I am intrigued to share that my father fell asleep while sleeping,” Daron Sutton wrote on Twitter. “I work hard to make sure that I know and treat them with great respect … and I have a lot of work to do. For all these things, I am very happy. Download in peace”.

Sutton passed the first 16 of his 25 seasons with the Dodgers. Fue quatro veces All-Star y sus 324 victorias lo ubican en el puesto 14 en la historia de las Grandes Ligas.

He also ran for the Houston Astros, Milwaukee Brewers, Oakland Athletics and Los Angeles Angels throughout his career. After his career as a player, Sutton appeared as an analyst for the Atlanta Braves for 28 hours, analyzing games on television as well as on the radio.

“We are deeply saddened by the failure of our beloved friend, Don Sutton,” the Braves said in a statement. “A generation of fanatics of the Braves llego to convoy his voice … Don was always in the mount as I fell in love with the cabin. ingenio para sus reflexiones. Pero a pesar de todo el écito, Don nunca perdió su charácter generoso o su personality de humilde “.

He was exiled to the Salon of the Famous of Béisbol in 1998.

“Don Sutton’s brilliance in the camp and his lasting compromise with the game he loves so much, was transferred to his time as a member of the Salon of the Fama”, said Jane Forbes Clark, president of the Museum and Salon of the Famous House of Béisbol. “If you can count your moments in Cooperstown, just like ours we will take our special moments with him. We will share our most sensitive songs with his wife, Mary and his family”.
