Legal Medicine has not confirmed the identity of the bombers in Guaviare

Panorámica de Guaviare.  Photo: Wikipedia Commons.
Panorámica de Guaviare. Photo: Wikipedia Commons.

The National Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Science informed, this Wednesday 10 March, under the influence of a communiqué, that in the seat of Villavicencio (Meta) fueron 10 received the passage 4 March of this year, cuyas inspections the personal realization of judicial police in the green Buenos Aires of Calamar (Guaviare).

“An interdisciplinary team, trained by forensic doctors and other specialists, will handle the necropsy and identification process of the corps. The scientific works are continuous and the results will be informed by the tax authorities of the case, which will have full certainty about the identities ”, the entity added.

The entity also signaled that, “The information provided by Terceros and transmitted to the media regarding the identities of the unofficial bodies is disproportionate to the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Medicine. Please note that the Assistant in this process and in strict compliance with the established legal protocol, the information with these details will be communicated to the corresponding agencies ”.

The Minister of Defense, habló este merercoles un una rueda de pressa sober el bombardeo en Guaviare en contra de las structures de dissident de las Farc alias ‘Gentil Duarte’, en el que, según denuncias, habrían muerto menores de edad.

According to the Spectator, in the midst of its justifications in favor and in defense of the military operation, the official confirmed that there were several deaths in the bombing and that the entities competent to determine the acts were the Fiscal and Forensic Medicine. According to Dijo, “its institutions fully establish the identities of each of these people”.

In an interview with Blu Radio the minister said that the bombing in Calamar, Guaviare, was carried out in exchange for a “Narcotics structure used by girls to convert to war machines”, corresponds to the dissident of alias ‘Gentil Duarte’.

There is an affirmation that we have two children. The tenants are war machines that are planning terrorist acts. Our Ejército plans operations against structures that plan hostilities. Here we have our nines who are part of a war structure, capable of attempting to attack, ”assured Diego Molano.

The statement generated an indignation, but only the Derecho Internacional Humanitario consider that the minors recruited can be legitimate whites, for this definition must complete conditions, between them, actively participate in the hostilities.

Thus, the Colombian Code of Childhood and Adolescence, in Article 7, establishes full protection for minorities. ‘Entirled for full protection of the nines, nines and adolescents the reconciliation as subjects of rights, the guarantee and complement of the assets, the prevention of its use or vulnerability and the security of its immediate recovery in the development of the principle of superior interest ”.

Diego Molano’s statements made a series of Twitter disputes, one of the comments received by the Democratic Polo Democrat Ivan Cepeda, who confirmed “Minister @ Diego_Molano, with clarity on the digo: if it is confirmed that nineteen and nineteen failed in bombing in Guaviare and usted tenien known conspiracy, it was denounced by grave violations at DIH. It is necessary to rescind the victims of forced recruitment, not to bombard them ”.

After dismissing the controversy over this phrase, the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that he was referring to the high commanders of the criminal structures that had been recruited since the beginning and that there was an agreement against the security of the country.

“These are war machines: Alias ​​Gentil Duarte: recruited by the FARC for 17 years; alias Gabino: recruited 14 years ago by the ELN. Hoy, these are his criminals, recruiters, assessors, prosecutors and extortionists, ”said Molano.


Commander of the Ejército doubles that minors are recruited by the armed groups of his combatants.
“It’s a retaliation”, FLIP recounts the writings of Jesus Santrich against Vicky Dávila and Claudia Gurisatti.
