Lee Jae-yong: New Condition for Corruption, Two Years and a Middle Ages, for Samsung Heredero | Economy

Lee Jae-yong referred to the media in his allegiance to the Seoul tribunal.
Lee Jae-yong referred to the media in his allegiance to the Seoul tribunal.DPA via Europa Press / Europa Press

The hereditary member of the conglomerate Samsung, Jay Y Lee, one of the most powerful men in Korea from the South – quizas the one who, at least in the imperial field -, has fallen to the moon this month, after having spent another year in it between 2017 and 2018. The judgment of a Seoul tribunal it held three months of imprisonment for corruption and malpractice charges.

During the sentencing, the 52-year-old vice president of Samsung Electronics, he was immediately sent to the prison in Seoul, where the company had four years and had admitted three weeks to a coronavirus test. A precautionary measure in times of pandemic: another senior penitentiary center has detected a billion in contact between them. The man in the front of the conglomerate who represents 20% of the GDP of his country tends to spend two weeks confined to an Islamic country, as a means of preventing the covid, whether to pass the general regime or otherwise PCR will also have negative intentions .

The condensing is a bit more complicated than Samsung’s successor process, following the death in October of the group’s president, Lee Kun-hee. Lee Jae-yong, formerly co-host of Jay Y Lee, was the only one to announce the inauguration of the conglomerate mayor (“chaebol”) since the patriarch sufira entered and entered in 2014 the Vice President of Samsung Electronics – The joy of the corona of the group – has two Germans, Boo-jin and Seo-hyun, although it is not hoped that any of them will dispute the cabeza of the vast imperial empire

Jay Lee’s legal issues stalled in 2017, when he was sentenced to five years in prison by a scandal-ridden superlative of corruption that has plagued Korean politics in the South and disbanded the court, being condoned in a political trial by the president Park Geun-hye. The tax authorities consider that the order of magnitude of 36 million dollars will be spent on the foundations and companies of Choi Soon-sil, a mysterious trust of Park with extreme influence over the ex-state of the city and the death of Rasputina surcorea.

One year later, in 2018, Lee recovers the liberty of having a tribunal appeal to the mayor of the cargoes. The case, without embarrassment, continued its course and took place to a lower court to review the case. In this new look there will be other socharo cargoes.

In the case of this Monday, the Central District Court of Seoul determined that the emperor – a serious man, with gifts, as his allegations were written as some extremely polite – so-called “voluntary and trust in the president” who owns his influence to facilitate his succession without incident ”in front of the conglomerate.

“It is very unfortunate that Samsung, the conglomerate of the United States’ world leader and leader in innovation, is involved in another crime that is producing a change in political power,” in South Korea, saying in a statement.

The magnate’s lawyer stated, for his part, that “it was mainly a case in which the president’s abuse of power violated his liberty and property rights.”

Last week, another tribunal upheld the convict’s sentence for corruption in President Park.

In the case of Lee Jae-Yong, he has been able to relieve, one more time, the conflicting relations between the family “chaos” that are generating the mayor part of the wealth in Korea of ​​the South and the political power. His father and his wife, Lee Byung-chul, the founder of the company, also had problems with justice, although no one was able to break it. In May of this year, the magnate was accused by the scandals in the process of being sued. Lee promised that he would not leave the company to his wife and he would be the last of the familiar dynasty to control the conglomerate.

The legal issues of Samsung’s heredero have not been resolved here. In addition to another juicio, by the merger of the group’s employees in 2015 into controversial circumstances. Lee is in need of an operation to consolidate control sobre el conglomerado
