League MX: Speculation with Vucetich’s Ultimate in Chivas and Plan B in Guardianes 2021 Estufa Football

The pearl specialized in Pearl Tapatia is found crucified between those who affirm that the Chivas de Guadalajara he requires a limited limit to his technical director Víctor Manuel Vucetich to increase the yield and up to the existence of a Plan B to relocate in this way Torneo Clausura Guard1anes 2021 of the MX League and others who consider the contrary, because he ensures that there is a great deal of confidence in the coach within the directive of the institution, with miras a la quinta jornada frente al club León at the Estadio Nou Camp and the rest of this semester.

The panorama of Club Deportivo Guadalajara in this review initiated Guard1anes 2021 luce algo complicated, pues accumulated apenas points of the 12 ya disputed in four fechas, because what is currently being found in the penultimate place of the general classification of the champion“As long as the team’s alarms are turned on, it may be possible to continue with Vucetich’s continuity in the redundant bank and to have a number of possible substitutes for one speculator.”ultimate“, which was described by the directive.

The Chivas Directive, in agreement with the information provided by the periodical Fernando Cevallos, there was a mistake that limited “Rey Midas” Vucetich to empezar a hilar victorias in the present certamen, o minimo show a major aansienlik in his desempeño, pues de not ser asi, no continuation as strategie del Rebaño Sagrado. Las caídas ante Atlético de San Luis y receiver ante FC Juárez tocaron hondo en el orgullo rojiblanco.

When will the veca limit be limited to Vucetich in Chivas?

Bar Brava de El Universal

Barra Brava het saamgeval en que el ultimátum sería ganarle a León o se va (El Universal)

Cevallos, who coincided with the information provided by Barra Brava in the diary El Universal, adelantó que otorgaron dos fechas más al mexicano trainar to follow his first triunfo del Guard1anes 2021, considering that the nearest jornada Chivas visited the actual champion: León, y se tiene presupuestada hasta la derrota. Prohibition of probes, en la sexta fecha ante Necaxa ya no habría ninguna consideración, ni voorwendsel and if it does not have a majority, it will announce the despair of Víctor Manuel Vucetich. In Marca Claro, on his part, Nicolás Romay records that “with the same numbers on these altars, Chivas ya había quitado a Tena y traído a Vucetich“.

The periodical explained in a video that “I do not have an ultimatum as to Víctor Manuel Vucetich, but he says that there are two parties for the better situation. Al enfrentar al León, no está hoy la situación de ‘ganas o te vas’, pero después vien Necaxa, y ahí sí, if Chivas does not play the three points or does not show a major football team opmerklik could have changed in the technical direction of Chivas“. An opinion that was also shared by André Marín in Marca Claro to question the continuity of Vucetich.

Who will be replacing ‘n Vucetich as Chivas’ technical director?

Agreeing with the information from Cevallos has three candidates who exemplify the directive of Rebaño Sagrado to name the next coach of the team, both of them and the knowledge of Mexican football and the confidence of the director of sports, Ricardo Peláez: Diego Alonso y Antonio Mohamed and one more thing that tendría desventaja by not having conducted in Mexico, Hernán Crespo. Cevallos afirmó que “license parties for the best cause, no han hablado con nadie, no hay acercamientos con nadie, pero there are three examples about the month, such as Ricardo Peláez knows very well, Diego Alonso and Antonio Mohamed. Y Hernán Crespo“.

The opposite postures to this speculation were also found in the order of the day in the world Chivas and varios periodistas consideran que Vucetich, ‘n pesar de todo, cuenta con toda la confianza tanto del presidente Amaury Vergara as his sporting director Ricardo Peláez to recover the truck and increase the time in this Guard1anes 2021, in which hope regress to Liguilla through the notable actuation of the passage Guard1anes 2020.

Nee, hace falta un cambio de DT
