League MX: Cruz Azul sufre dos bajas por COVID previo al arranque del Guardianes 2021

Cruz Azul’s Machine presented the key points of Coronavirus previewed in the 2021 League MX Clausura debut and according to ESPN, his midfielder Elías Hernández and the later Izquierdo Adrián Aldrete the positive cases.

Cruz Azul debuted this domino ante Santos Laguna in the cancha of Estadio TSM and Cruz Azul initiated without any of his important men.

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Although there is no official confirmation, Elías Hernández and Adrián Aldrete will take up the positive cases and Juan Reynoso will have to find his substitutes for the party of this domingo.

Cruz Azul will not be visiting Santos since the 14th of April 2015, because what he is looking for will be taken care of.

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