Leader of Proud Boys does not empathize with turbulent congressmen

Miami (CNN) – The leader of the extreme right-wing Proud Boys group did not say that the legislators would be arrested by agitators within the Capitol of the United States on January 6th.

“There is no way to lose sight of the people who import a mie * from their electors.” Geen voy a empatizar con ellos », gambling Enrique Tarrio.

More than a dozen people affiliated with the “Chovinista Occidental” group, including violence and extreme violence, have been accused by the paper of insurgency, which CNN sent to Tarrio to listen to if there was any explanation or justification for it. actions, or if there is a change of rumbo.

From direct responses, peru luego agrega muchas salvedades.

What he has not heard is an opinion about the paper that the Proud Boys will play on the 6th of January or their sentiments regarding the persecution of the congressmen following the publication of an incredible video. The attack killed five people and killed police officers.

On the day of the attack, Tarrio posted a photo of the members of the Chamber of Deputies agachados and escondidos, with a lie: “When the people go to the government, there is tyranny … When the people go to the government … hay libertad ». Le dijo, a CNN, with Thomas Jefferson, who does not prove hay, is the president of the president, haya dicho eso, segund su fundación.

Enrique Tarrio posted this image on his Parler account after the attack on Capitol.

Enrique Tarrio published this image in his account of Parler luego del asalto al Capitolio.

«When it comes to bombing drones with drones in the Middle East … [y] “These people are dead and simply because a group of maladapted people have entered the Capitol, and they are not empathetic,” Tarrio told CNN.

And rebuttal his argument, describing the specter of a turbo that has swept the gates of the Chamber and the Senate, trying to get past the adentro: “I do not want to preoccupy people by the fact that their only preoccupation is real”.

Tarrio is not located in the Capitol on January 6. According to the order issued by Washington, he was arrested in the city two days before the insurrection by a minor minor related to the blackout of the Black Lives Matter pancake in December, in addition to cargoes by arms. Admitió hosts a CNN.

Dice una y otra vez que no apoya el attack on Capitolio, pero tampoco condenará a los atacantes.

It’s simple, dice. “Creo que condenar es una palabra muy fuerte”.

Tarrio says he understands what frustrates both the people. Donald Trump’s supporters have been demonized after being called “betraurenswaardige” and have been jubilant over the protests that he has committed atrocities in cities such as Portland and Minneapolis, coronavirus deaths and the expulsion of popular social media sites , dice. Some, though not Tarrio, screened in the mind that the election would rob.

Tarrio creates that the members of his organization are already trapped at the moment, and he agrees that he should have the same thing if he were married.

But also it is agreed that the group has no plans to destroy the Capitol.

LEE: Canada to include Proud Boys in the list of terrorist groups

The double file of notoriety

The judicial documents show that the Proud Boys quizzed the second ones from the Oath Keepers when they were formed by a group that organized the majority of the cargoes.

The Proud Boys are accused of conspiracy, arranging to become a federal agent, robbing the scourge of a police agent, robbery, robbery and destruction of the governing body, bringing an angry army, aggression, resisting or obstructing agents y remover barreras y cercas en el Capitolio.

Dominic Pezzola, a Proud Boy from New York, used the scurvy anti-disorder team to repeatedly ramp up a sale in the Capitol.

The images of the pro-Trump attack on the muestran are coming from this red window.

Dominic Pezzola breaks a window with a police riot shield.

Dominic Pezzola romps a vent with a police escudo.

Tarrio says that Pezzola is simply “the embarrassment”. «Simplify no veo un [acto] atroz como si hubiera agredido a alguien o lastimado a alguien ».

He creates that his members – together with some others in the Oath Keepers, the court and antigobierno – are being called expats’s debtors to their notoriety.

It is said that his men – and all his men – did not commit acts of violence and were accused of aggravated crimes for trapping and interrupting the Congress.

«Necesitan hacer rodar una cabeza. Necesitan cabezas en estacas », argues Tarrio. The FBI and the Department of Justice [están] using the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers as a reference point, to show off the people who hicieron algo ».

The profile of the Proud Boys disappears when Trump says he wants the group that “retreats and hopes” when it comes to denouncing extremists during the first presidential debate.

MIRA: ¿Quiénes son los Proud Boys? This is the group’s group that Trump trusts that “retrospective and hopeful”

The Proud Boys receive funds and sell merchandise with this mention, and Tarrio is pleased to announce that its membership is being duplicated in the following days.

But there is no way to accept more scrutiny along with more attention. In exchange, it is fast to escape.

Although happy to criticize the violence for some time associated with anti-fascist demonstrators known as antiquities in cities like Portland, Oregon, did not recognize the Proud Boys’ papel in the same violent violations, saying that only to defend.

Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys during a Stop the Steal protest in December 2020 in Washington, DC.

Enrique Tarrio, leader of the Proud Boys, during a protest of “Paren el robo” in December 2020 in Washington.

It is included in this statement that Antifa declared itself a terrorist organization, but because it did not do so in the main, it was because it could use the same classification against its group and others to “silence its freedom of expression”.

Canada recently made that decision, adding the Proud Boys to its list of terrorist groups. Pero Tarrio insists that he exchanges opinions about Antifa before making that decision. Tarrio does not agree with Canada’s design and says that Canadian Proud Boys are considering their legal options for combat.

Tarrio is looking into Trump’s confidentiality, Roger Stone, and has revealed that he is known to testify about Stone in front of an investigating judge.

Stone enfrentaba entontces siete cargos por mentirle al Congreso y presenci la manipulation en la investigatie para averiguar si la Trump campaign de 2016 colludió con Rusia. A jury condemned Stone for his cargo seats, but Trump lied about it.

During this case, an investigation was initiated into whether Stone had been arrested after he appeared to have published a social media account that showed a photo of him and that investigators thought he might have an objective in his closet. Stone testified that a person who worked with him in his social speech accounts had chosen the image.

CNN’s Katelyn Polantz reported earlier this week that a lawyer had been summoned in 2019. Tarrio said he testified that he had access to Stone’s phone a couple of times to publish content on social media.

Tarrio says that there is no such thing as being able to publish this image.

LEE: Describing the symbols and groups of extremists in the insurrection of the Capitol of EE.UU.

What comes after

The leader of Proud Boys says that he has evidence that his group never had any intentions on January 6th. This test, dice, is in the internal communications in the days, weeks and months before the insurrection and differs from the public messages seen in Parler o Telegram. But in the next alignment dice that will not share the advertised exemption, at least not yet. It is hoped that the moment will come when the mayor will have an impact in the cases against his men.

It is said that it belongs to the group that does not use its normal colors for the middle of January 6th. But, dice, it is not planned to evade the authorities, was only to engage in Antifa.

Tarrio admits that he was an FBI informant and other agencies were able to be involved in a federal fraud case, but now he says he has no confidence in the FBI and that he can use his power.

Without embarrassment, saying that despite the fact that the 6th of January has been added, his group is looking to change some of its tactics.

“Creo que ahora es momento seguir adelante y derrocar al gobierno convirtiéndose en el new gobierno y postulándose para un cargo”, dobbeltsteen.

Sara Sidner and Anna-Maja Rappard de CNN informed the sober esta historia of Miami and Mallory Simon escribió and Nueva York.
