Le caen a Vicente Fernández por tocarle el fecho un una fanatica

Viralizan video of Vicente Fernández “manoseando” is an una fan (Photo: Vicente Fernández – Instagram)

The charo de Mexico, Vicente Fernández, encounters in the oyster of the hurricane very daring to concoct a video where the pude can be seen mano in the pitch of a fanatic while taking a photo.

The chic, accompanied by other friends, is sent to the artist’s lad and this step the brass has on his bust. The video clip that was shared by a TikTok user went viral on social media and critics were not detained.

“Very bad”; “Horrible”; “Qué horrible que sea así ese hombre”, “Don Chente bien pícaro”; “What the Lord forgives for this act of abuse”; “Corriente y abusivo”; “No ten respect”; “Ese señor siempre ha sido así; “Will be Vicente, but first the respect”.

These are just some of the comments made against the song.

At the moment, “Don Chente” has not commented on the controversy over the second video of the second half in speeches and media of farandula is arde.

The Mexican program Suelta la Sopa aired the video of the veteran together with the girls and intermediates, the speeches of the program will start to increase by posts against the “abusive” behavior of the artist.

It is not the first time that Vicente Fernández has signed up for a list of Spanish songs that he has accused of fanatical behavior.

Have a week, see Cristian Castro who has been accused of being physically abused and psychologically following various ways with which to establish contact with his friends on social media.

Hace ya un tiempo, la estrella rancheras dio un exclusive interview at the show of entertainment Sal y Pimienta of Univisión, donde insurur que fueiktima de acoso sexual par para de un jefa a la que tuvo que rechazar en reiteradas ocasiones.

In December 2019, Mara Patricia Castañeda interviewed Vicente Fernández on her ranch in Mexico. During the conversation, the song touches on the theme of his superstitious infidels to his wife María del Refugio Abarca Villaseñor, with whom he already has 56 years of cascade.

“I’ve never had a facet of it, because I’re, this Chente, is very mujeriego ‘. No, no no. I was not a saint, but I never quit, ”Fernández confessed in the interview.

To make reference to the rumors about their alleged infidelity, the interpretation of Divine women mentioning that he always gave evidence to the child in the communication media and never did he demonstrate anything.
