¿Laura León homenajeada by Miley Cyrus?

In social networks, an image is circulating that is confusing to cyberspace and it is clear that the international star Miley Cyrus, compare una image de Laura León ‘n quien incluso “menciona”.

But in reality it was a tweaked image and with the use of Photoshop, but it was so real that it had the wrong Laura León and it had the periodist Karla Iberia Sánchez se creyeron.

Pues ‘La Tesorito’ increase the gesture of the fans al to compare with the interpreter and Karla to congratulate the Mexican actress.

Laura León y hasta la periodista Karla Iberia Sánchez se lo creyeron

“An abrasion to me adores Miley Cyrus and thanks and all the fans for comparing it to this great music band. Dios los bendiga mis tesoritos ”, writes León.

And it’s the fanatics on social media that insure that Miley’s new look is what he sees as the ‘Mujeres Engañadas’ actress’s onverskoonlik.

Currently Laura’s reaction is more than 35.7 miles away.

Laura León y hasta la periodista Karla Iberia Sánchez se lo creyeron
