Laura Flores reveals how como her photos on Playboy affect his wife Maria

Laura Flores confession that can be called for the magazine Play boy hace dos decades trajo fuertes consecuenci para su hija burgemeester, María del Cielo.

In an interview on the periodicals YouTube program Michelle Ruvalcaba, the actress and singer said that at the time she decided to do the photo session she was very young and had no plans to date or to have sex because she was in her career.

The protagonist of telenovelas as como Cups of love y El alma no ten color explained that, although from the point of view of artistic vision the photos are beautiful, haberlas hecho by hecko afectaron luego a su hija when the little one was ten years old.

Flores expressed that in 2010 he was the victim of acoso schooling in the secondary school and that his companions had to teach the photos and the hiccup offensive comments. “Cómo me hubiera gustado n hacer esas fotos”, dijo Flores, “porque me dolió en elma que a mi hija le hicieran bully“.

Instagram / Laura Flores

“The hice is a day that I want at the moment and it’s avergonzaba of me. It makes me happy without it. ella y traaté de darle la vuelta y ya “, dijo Flores. “Thank you for God’s Passage; I do not read in Mayors, but I do not agree with what I say”.


As far as the situation is concerned, it has been revealed that it has total honesty with it and the allegation of “without hesitation” fails to respect and provoke conflicts with its school partners.

The actress also called the characters to have more conscience in her decisions and took her experience as an example to avoid family conflicts.
