Laura Flores assumes her abdomen is completely marketed

Find out his official Instagram account, Laura Flores dejó a todos con la boca abierta con tremenda fotografi que deja al descubierto su impactante belly. The actress of 57 years of edad, approved these vacations of Semana Santa to pass with his wife.

And yes, Laura’s plan is to celebrate her companions and the couple opted to travel to the beach and take a break from the week.

As well as the channel conductor Tlnovelas decided to release his best bikini’s in this calorie era.

The photo has received more than 16 miles of interactions, among them, pirate scents on the markets of the tambiant cantante, which we will discuss in the second period of ‘¿Who is the Mascara?’.

There are long coats.

Recording that we have one day, Laura Flores presents the new integrative of her family, a small peritoneum of small size, which also captures the mirrors of its miles of followers.

The actress is happy.
