Launch date unveiled with new preview

The bondage of Isaac designer Edmund McMillen has revealed that the new, meaty extension The bondage of Isaac: repentance appears on March 31 for PC via Steam. The upcoming DLC ​​is described as a sequel expansion and will be the expansion of the video game. It is expected to be released for consoles later.

“That’s right,” McMillen shared in a post on the Steam store list, “Repentance will finally be in your hands, hearts and souls on March 31! I and the team are very excited for this beast to finally get out. to get up and digest the depth every hour you wake up for years to come, we just want all of its features to be perfect and the test to be a little more in-depth than our last version which did not name do not give. ‘

According to McMillen, the trailer – which you can see above – contains a lot of references to the history of the franchise, in addition to teasing upcoming pieces. He says that “it all depends on how wide your eyes are when you look and whether you have an IQ of more than 340.” Either way, we do not have that long to wait.

The bondage of Isaac itself is currently available on a number of different platforms, but as indicated above, the new extension on sequel size The bondage of Isaac: repentance will be released on PC on Steam on March 31st and is expected to appear on consoles later. You can check out all of our previous coverage of The bondage of Isaac not here.

What do you think of the new expansion? Are you excited to see it appear in March? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to contact us and follow me directly on Twitter @rollinbishop to play over everything that plays!
