Latino’s quieren that the Gobierno act to reduce the price of medicines • Hola News



Washington, 28 ene (EFE News) .- The Latinos in the United States, who are more likely to have chronic illnesses in their minds to have a medical degree, support the policies that reduce the prices of medicines, by informing them highly UnidosUs.

The organization, otherwise known as La Raza, elaboró ​​junto met laer dwelmpryse. medicines of the most common use.

“The support for the progressive media of reform of the pharmaceutical industry is extremely high among Latinos,” confirms Rafael Collazo, Political Director of UnidosUS Action Fund.

The prices of medicines obtained in the United States are significantly higher than in other countries, with prices exceeding 2.56 times observed in other 32 nations, according to an information presented by these jewels by RAND Corporation.

The break between the prices in the EE.UU. and other countries are a mayor for branded medicines, in which the value is paid 3.44 times the other nations compared.

The RAND study found that the prices of the generic medicines on the market represent 84% of the medicines sold in the EU. per volume, but only the 12% of the guest guest, are more likely to be in the EU.UU. which in the majority of the other countries.

And this situation is particularly affecting the lower classes, with the presence of Latinos and African Americans.

Margarida Jorge, Director of Campaign for Lower Drug Prices Now, said that the 11th month of the covid-19 pandemic has seen “Latinos follow the first line of exposure within a health care system.” .

“The major pharmaceutical companies have spent decades opposing each other and trying to change the rules that allow them to approve the system, while maintaining the high prices of medicines that require patients to pay for medicines that need care.”

The signal informs that the prices of medicines in the United States have accelerated in recent years in recent years “but not all of them are affected by igual”.

“The 60 million Latinos in EE.UU. “It has profound inequalities and a wide range of data on health and the economy that most people are struggling with, including the purchase of medicines to maintain their health,” he said.

This segment of the population is most likely to suffer from chronic health conditions such as diabetes and the pandemic of covid-19 has shown that it is also most likely that other groups will resist the disease, ‘n vereiste hospitalization ya morir por la enf.

The survey is based on information indicating that 52% of Latinos take less than one prescription drug and, among them, 75% receive the most drugs.

47% of Latinos and 57% of Latinos take less than one prescription drug, and the consumption of their drugs increases to 75% among Latinos and Latinos over 50 years of age.

In comparison with other high-altitude landscapes, United States has the most expensive medicine in the area, with 1,000 dollars per capita, compared to a premium of 600 dollars in other developed nations.

A pesar de que, como grupo, los latinos en EE.UU. has an expectation of living much longer than the whites, the Latinos are experimenting with what information describes as “inequalities” while it is likely that the more affecting the whites have some chronic conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) informs that Latinos are 1.7 times more likely than whites to have a diabetes diagnosis, 1.2 times more likely to be obese, and especially Latin women, of the 78% of them are obese or obese, compared to 64% of white women.

Among the media that, according to UnidosUS, the Latinos support in this regard are decrees and laws that Hagan equals for all the drugs he receives that he developed with funding supported by the taxpayers.

Asimismo, the Latinos believe that the government has the authority to restrict the monopoly control of the pharmaceutical companies in determining the price of medicines such as insulin.