Latin mother is looking for a separate national guard from within 50 days | News Univision United States

57 days ago, Elizabeth Muñoz Rivera did not appear for a moment in the search area for her husband Juan Muñoz, a National Guard soldier who was last seen near the Río Rancho military base in New Mexico .

Although he hopes to share his hopes with his wife, his mother does not describe the peor: “I know that he disappears”, he told Univision News.

“It’s something that I do not want for the sake of it. It is a very desperate desire, a lot of help. I always have a very good, very serious, very responsible person; I can trust God who allows me to meet”, ruined the Spanish between songs.

This case presents many inconveniences and some that do not disregard the suicidal ideation, even if its mother states that she wants to abandon military life and stay in line for the future. “Tenia plans for his life”, dijo.

Hasta ahora esto es lo que se conoce sober el caso.

This case is based on the memory of Vanessa Guillén’s soldier, who was seen alive last April 22 of this year at the Fort Hood military base in Texas. of 2020 near the Leon River. The chief suspect of the assailant, Soldier Aaron Robinson, committed suicide on July 1 when the intentional police detained him.
Just to complete one year of his disappearance, the family announced the red social Facebook that honored the memory of the Latin soldier of 20 years of edad.

