Latin America is living a crucial moment to advance in personalized medicine | Sociedad | US Edition

Latin America is experiencing a critical moment for the adoption of more centralized medicine in patients than in children, given that various countries are located on the road to implementation, although there are various retrospective ones.

The situation of advances in personalized medicine in Latin America will be the central theme of a virtual forum that will present these markets in which industry experts participate in an event organized by Efe and Roche Pharmaceuticals.

Agreed with the information “Personalized Medicine in Latin America: Universalize the Promise of Innovation”, uitwerking van The Economist Intelligence Unit and supported by Roche Latin America, the countries of the region included with the potential to develop a personalized medicine.

However, there are pendants to be able to impact the population, since this type of child suffers from a disparate retreat in the region.

Marimar García, Roche México Precision Medicine Leader, explains that this type of medicine is intended to be understood as the best way to diagnose patients and caregivers at the exact moment with the appropriate medicine.

Recognize that completing this objective is complicated and that all lands, but especially those of Latin America, enfrentan important remarks.

Between them, we affirm, there is the political atmosphere that is alive in the region, the essence of a holistic vision of the nurses, that the regulations have not been adapted to the laws and technological advances and the vision of the Governors of that health a guest and not an inversion.

The meta statement should state that medical advances, technology, genomics, and data science coincide with a new approach to assisting each patient in his or her proposed recovery, from treatment to treatment, and identifying a unique concern.


The information from The Economist Intelligence Unit identifies 4 pillars in which the health systems of the region should work to ensure that these steps do not require personalized medicine.

Between them lies the government, which includes voluntary politics, strategy and norms, and the conscience and actions, as well as the work force as well as the patients and the people.

The third pillar corresponds to the infrastructure, which refers to everything that has to do with the information systems, data recovery and laboratory tests.

Finally, the financial administration, in order to be financially rich and invests more and more in health, then the countries of the region will have a great retention in this sense.

The document analyzes 9 countries of Latin America and the classics in three levels, according to their degree of advance, encased by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Uruguay in level 1, followed by Chile in Mexico in level 2, and by last Ecuador and Peru in the 3rd.

Although 5 of them are in good condition haci the personalized medicine, the majority enfrenta retos. Among the principals is the inversion in salud, “puys hay quienes no invierten demasiado in salud”, and the regulation no only of medicines, without medical devices.

In addition, the City of Systems does not have electronic records and there are no interoperability rules for sharing information between institutions.

It is a fact that the knowledge of molecular biology and genetics has no eye and there are no specialists in these topics.

But it is also now clear that the coronavirus pandemic is still rampant in Latin America, although the lessons learned from this sanitary emergency are needed to identify the areas that need to be addressed.

The information also analyzes the need for interventions to accelerate adoption and access to precision medicine, the scales should be listed among the pharmaceutical companies, the State, the professionals, the patients, among others.

All these organisms need to work through the principles of science, ethics and rationality of the use of resources, but first and foremost the result and satisfaction of the patients, that personal attention is not focused on treating people.
