Lastly, on the aid plan: Biden seeks support for the Republican race and senators intend to vote in favor of political justice | Univision Diner News

President Joe Biden finished this week the efforts for the Congress to approve a new package of aid for $ 1.9 billion (trillions in English), with a meeting between its chief economic assessor and a bipartisan group of moderate legislators.

El plan, sondembargo, deberá superar varios escollos, between them the fairgrounds of some Republican senators and a chronogram affected by the political juiciness of President Donald Trump and the confirmations of the new governor’s key.

La apuesta, the statement of Senator Angus King a la Radio Pública Nacional (NPR), es treat that the project that was voted before the initiation of political justice forecast for the second week of February. King, a Maine Independent, was one of the legislators who participated in this domicile of a lament between Brian Deese, Biden’s chief economic assessor, and a group of representatives and senators from both parties with centrists to discuss the details of the new package. of esteem.

The legislators, Dijo King, are calling for a “donate and salute the numbers”, since the amount of this package is the second highest in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. The mayor is now on his side SORG Wet of one $ 2 billion approved in March of this year.

“Describing (the reunion) more like exploration than definitive. A lot of questions and this bipartisan group wants to know the dates, he donates the numbers (properties) for the schools, the local governors and the vacancies,” King said. . embargo, hubo a general consensus in that tenemos what haya what haya what hacer to accelerate the evacuation process, not creo that haya discuss some alrededor ello “, agregó.

The plan proposes example send a new check for $ 1,400 –Which sums up to $ 600 approved in the December 2nd aid package amounting to $ 2,000 raised by Biden in campaign– and elevate the monthly amount of federal benefits by example.

It also offers $ 350,000 million for state and local governments, $ 160,000 million for the mass evacuation program and $ 170,000 million for schools, among other points. There are amounts reported by some Republican senators that, as we have seen in recent months, we have to approve large amounts of funds that can be lifted.

¿Antes del juicio politico?

As such, Senator King said he agreed that the project with the new aids would be put to a vote in the Senate before the political judiciary.

To that end, Biden tends to accumulate Republican support If the Democrats hold a very adjusted control of the Camera Alta, then the vote of Vice President Kamala Harris will be finalized in case of an empathy.

“We’ll deal with something from now until you have the initiation of political justice, if it’s difficult because we also have the confirmations (…) This is the plan, but it’s a big deal and a lot of money. and that it will actually have an impact. These weeks will be an aggressive chronogram, but we will do so soon, “he added.

The talks will continue this Monday or March, assured the legislator. By now I hope that the project will be edited by the corresponding committees of the Chamber of Representatives and can resurrect the idea of ​​approving support separately, as for example the funds to agilize the vacancy debited to that the virus and a new variant siguen propaganda by the country and occupying miles of deaths.

Economists consulted by Univision News consider the key to slowing down the pace of the contagios. Firstly to avoid significantly increasing the mortality balance of more than 400,000 failures in the United States and secondly for the economy to recover from sustainable growth.

Andrés Vinelli, Vice President of Economic Policy Center for American Progress, explained that it is essential to assign money to local governors in order to avoid mayors seeking public works and more directly to increase wages in order to reduce consumption.

“First of all, it is important to try to help the states and the localities, which are earning a lot of money from the taxes in this crisis. If they do not receive help from a tenant who wants to earn a lot from his employees, for example to masters. if anything, if it’s not on the people’s radar it’s important, “he said.

“The number of people trying to help people who are in situations of indigence, poverty and example, is fundamentally not alone in helping people who are in a very difficult situation, so that they are proving an impetus to consumption. The economy is working on the loss of its capacity, the increase in consumption is expected to increase crime “, acotó.

