Las tres series that recommend Bill Gate are not necessary

Mexico City /

El magnate Bill Gate has been converted into a voice authoritative opinion on world economics, las vacunas anticovid ista to recommend his three favorite series, the ‘break’ the internet every time he talks about trends and the world of current también is a theme al that sabe.

In an interview with clubhouse, Gate revealed that it has three series that are recommended to be taken during vacations or for those who give the continuous continuation.


The first series recommended by Microsoft’s founder is ‘Lupine’. An action thriller, created by George François Uzan, which has a moment with five chapters – in its first period – and is based on Maurice Leblanc’s short stories about Arsène Lupine’s adventures. Can be seen through Netflix.

Omar Sy emula al famo lupine, convirtiéndose en un ladron de guante blanco que es perseguido par la police tras robar el collar la la reina María Antonieta, y que guarda relacion un un episodio de su pasado.

“Modern family”

The second series of Netflix which Gates recommends is the “Modern Family”, one of the most exciting television shows in the United States. Account with no more and no less than 11 hours and relates the life of various family families of sail XXI.

A tram that protagonizes a matrimony of many years, a pair of men who adopt a niece, and another formed by a male mayor and a woman more young. In addition, it was announced in April of the year that passed.

“The Americans”

To finish, the magnate has released the series “The Americans” as well as his recommendations. The series is based on the story of Soviet spies (Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys) that were carried out by city residents during the Free War. Pretending to be a conventional matrimony, but not his son.

This series can be seen on the platform of Amazon Prime Video and account for 75 chapters divided into six periods.
