Las residencias son hoy el hogar más seguro

The residences “are the most secure places to protect themselves from the pandemic,” said Cinta Pascual, president of the Catalan Association of Assistant Resources (ACRA). If there is not yet to be a parade through the drama alive in these centers, it is estimated that more than 30,000 people were killed in the last year. This is the middle of the total live coverage of this pandemic last season in Spain.

“The vacancy has the point of inflection,” Pascual recalled. The contagios and deaths have been reduced recently in geriatric clinics, now there are users in hospitals and the open doors to be open to new entrants.

Podría says she took the page in the drama of the residences, sí. But this is not the memory of the living quarters in the asylums. And if there are mirrors at the time, the first question is obligatory: Why did the invoice en vidas have side alt in the residences?


An interviewer with Andrés Rueda, President of the Catalan Association of Directors of Centers and Attention at Dependency (ASCAD), added another question: What happened to the geriatricians in dealing with the crisis in the country? Rueda lo tiene claro: “our administrations do not believe in valentía ni el coraje, vending lo que ocurría ya in otros paises, de anticiparse a este drama con medidas preventivas”. And there is a lack of reactionary prophecy that covid can be especially with the most vulnerable people; those who live in geriatricians.

The most sad drama

“Geen ha sido un año, han sido 365 días, y lo que es peor, 365 noches muy largas”

“We have one year, he has 365 days, and there he is, 365 very many nights, sad and solitary, those who live in the residences”, lamented Juan Ignacio Vela, president of Lares, group with a billion of geriátricos repartidos por España, met 54.000 usuarios.

“The staff of the residences we feel from the first day and our only ones, and that no administration has any prevention (although the covid establishes golpeando to the institutionalized people in other countries with much durability” R Kritar .

“In these intermittent 365 nights with many legions we have seen people die who we desire, we share pain, sadness and much solitude. We are witnesses of infirmity, despair and abandonment. We have discriminated against the sanitation system. We have seen the disembarked, contagious and sick professionals. We work with adequate contraceptive material … ”. El resumen, de Juan Vela, lo dice todo.

“The pandemic provoked a sanitary crisis without precedent because the residents could not do anything,” said Cinta Pascual. No hab, ni llegaron in the most critical moments, protection teams. “Many professionals are committed to social cohesion coordination and, more seriously, hospitalization is failing. Users are denying access to public health, ”recalls Pascual.

The lesson learned

“It is impossible to perform a good attention with a solemn closure for any users”

With the immunized residences graceful to the vacancy has the moment to reflect on the future and put into practice what he learned with this painful lesson. “Equally treacherous as olvidar, tras this experience, the classic concept of residence and empezar to hablen of centers of dependence. He has advanced and planted units of convenience adapted to his residents, creating ample spaces that sustain the hogar without the users piercing their rights or dignity ”, agrees Andrés Rueda.

To pursue this objective, however, socio-sanitary coordination is unenforceable, “we need more money”, according to the Pascual Center. “In the case of Catalonia –continued– hay that doubles the presumption has increased to the 3,000 million annuals in the party in anticipation of the dependency, and in the Spanish context is an imperative to increase to 2% of GDP inversion we want a model of paying attention to the mayor mayor adapted to the real needs of citizenship ”.

María José Carcelén, President of the Coordinator for Family Residences 5 + 1, alerts that the administrations “did not learn the lesson”. And added: “hablan mucho, pero hacen muy poco”. For this coordinator, who represents the families of users, “the most serious problem of the residences is the endemic lack of staff, with some conditions established in 2010 absolutely insufficient to give dignity to the residents, which are definitely more dependent”.

Desde Lares agrees that the issues are not clear “without a mayor professionalization of the care and personal attention sector”. This sanitary crisis has led to the discovery, as never before, of the precarious work in the residential sector. “It is possible to provide adequate care to the residents when a single nurse has between 50 and 100 people in his car and, many other centers, not even with nursing staff”.

The desire for the future

“The sanitary network also has to connect with the centers to provide housing coverage”

This preparatory work will take place in a sector with little public involvement, more preoccupied with the bargaining of the mayor. In Spain there are 5,358 residents and 71% of these centers are private. “I agree with this hotel and merchant model, who will equip them with a parking space for seniors”, claims María José Carcelén.

The pandemic has also reacted to the debate over whether to medicalize or reside. “This idea will not despair among the professionals in the sector, and probably not among the residents, who will not be looking to convert to a hospital,” said the president of Lares.

But since the geriatric universe has a clear co-operation protocol between these centers and the public health system’s archives, it guarantees the medical attention of the mayors when they are enrolled in a residence. Someone who failed to gather during this pandemic, as well as those hubiesen people lost their right to public health. Lots of 30,000 elderly and elderly deaths in asylum seekers at the hospital.
