Las Águilas van por empate, los Gigantes tras colocar la finale 3-1

Pedro G. Briceño

Las Aguilas Cibaeñas le pusieron el pasado mércoles el Ingredient que le faltaba a la Serie Final.

Between the parties in which they split the results, the speeches bombarded with the match César Valdez vs. Jonathan Villar, as well as the coalition of Licey and the Giants, the Aguilas finally numbered in the column of the triumphs. Now with the final 2-1 in favor of the Nordestanos, the teams are preparing for the celebration of the quarter, waiting as the Cibao stadium to start at 7:00 at night.

Richelson Peña is the choice of conductor Luis Urueta to sign the front row and tend to face Yoanner Negrín.

The cibaeños hicieron sonar sus bates in el tercer choque, ataque encabezado par Francisco Peña, quien tuvo una jornada perfecta bateando de 3-3, que incluyó jonrón dos dos vueltas en el octavo para el conjunct vuelva a amplia una ventaja que en episode previously it was reduced to only one air. Like the offensive line of Juan Lagares, who connected a pair of doubles.

It’s attacking the brindle a great respite to a conjunction that monkeys habasan tres vueltas in the first 18 episodes and which necesitaban as to lie down by the big boy in this third compromise.

After that, the situation differs for the shocked quarter, with the most closed series, the cyborgs believing that they can win the Giants and with the refreshing result that results in the case, pesar de la no presence of fanatics.

Las Aguilas initiated with its success to repeat the story that took place in the last series in which it returned from a 0-2 draw to impress the Toros team with a maximum of seats.

In the case of the Giants, they have the free rein to recover from the derrota, regroup and return to the offensive that the hizo has 11 squares and will save 20 unparalleled in the first two games.

Each encroacher possesses an important capital. ¿Podrán los Gigantes salir airosos y colocar la series a dot de mate en busca de la segunda corona en su historia. O in cambio, exhibit las Aguilas sus garras y empatarán la misma a dos triunfos por bandos?.

It’s great to culminate the shock of this night.

Peña 6to and H4 replacements

Francisco Peña empathized with Federico Velázquez in the sixth match in the list of the best juniors in all stages with a total of 29, his father Tony is the leader with 52, according to a tweet from colleague Jordan Abréu.
