LANZADOR – Bartolo Colón firma con los Acereros de Monclova

The Dominican lancer Bartolo Colón, who has been a professional baseball player since 1994, has plans to step up to the plate in 2021 by Monclova’s Acquaintances of the Mexican Basketball League.

Colón inicio su carrera profesional en la Liga de Appalachia is 27 years old. The quisqueyano passed 21 years in the Grand Leagues, tram in the cue was summoned to the Four Star Games and won a Cy Young Award.

He is the Latin American originator with the most victories in the Mayors with 247.

Colon, of 47 years, launched last season in the Grand Leagues by the Rangers in 2018, timed to the top of the mark of 7-12 and promidio limpias of 5.78.

Ohtani sin límites

The Los Angeles Lancers and Recipients are reporting officially to the Arizona team first team this March, but the main topic of conversation during the virtual press conference of captain Joe Maddon is Shohei Ohtani’s status.

Ohtani, who avoided the wage arbitration at the company a contract of two years and US $ 8.5 million on February 8, tuvo a normal winter.

The Japanese right is completely in a healthy state of supremacy a tyrant in the code / antebrazo right the past year, dolencia that the permission to make openings of the apertures.

Los Angelinos wanted to use Ohtani as a multifaceted player, although the club did not reveal an official plan that dictates the frequency with which the Japanese launch and work as a designated batsman.

“Right now, I’m shocking that there will be no restrictions,” said Maddon, one of the principals of the major leagues.

“The information that revenge is very good, honestly,” he said.

“I’m so excited to see you all around the world. If we go to Shohei well, we will have a good overall acquisition. We see what we can do, ”he said.


Los Tigres indagaron about the possibility of acquiring Nomar Mazara. The manager Al Ávila, dijo that the club treats to create competence. If Mazara can beat – at least before the launchers – it will play. Y aun si no produce in the pretemporada, it is difficult that dren by vencido with el. It is not easy to imagine Mazara and Christian Stewart on the roster of 26, both with the same abilities.
