Lana del Rey is essential to the mayor of the CENTURY in the Trump era

Lana del Rey got rid of the controversy over the release of his album, Chemtrails about the outdoor club and the motin del Capitolio de los Estados Unidos during an interview with BBC Radio 1 the moon (January 11).

The song conversed with Annie Mac about the lack of diversity in the release of the album, which is a vintage and black vintage with its all-time friends.

Norman F — ing Rockwell’s star Mac said she suspected the problem was a revelation. “Entones, when they really start to say things, they answer and say: ‘I have many problems, but inclusion is not one of them’. Simply no lo es. Can’t simply convert to my problem”.

“My friends, my family, my lo sea … not all of them in a solitary manner and we are not the ones who asaltan the Capitol. We vote for Biden”, says the songwriter.

Lana del Rey signaled in her interview with BBC Radio 1 that at the meeting of the women who appeared in Chemtrails’ portraits of his people of color, he felt “uncomfortable” with the arrests and the controversy: dijeron: ‘We did not import. You did not have to import’.

Lana del Rey opina about Donald Trump

Lana del Rey more details about the motit of the Capitol, when the partisans of Trump irrumpieron in the amendment the 6th of January to impose the results of the presidential elections, giving five people dead.

“Creo que, par la gente que irrumpió en el Capitolio, es una rabia disociada. Quieren irse en alguna parte”, dijo despuets de llamar a Trump “enfermo” y affirmar que no sabía que “est inciting a un motin” mientras sus partidios lo described. as a “revolution”. “And it’s if we are superior we will find the way to be saved in our world”.

Donald Trump's Partisans Attack the United States Capitol to Impeach Election Results

Lana del Rey llama “salvaje” at the attack in the Capitol

The song says that the last four years were necessary for him to change his mind in this country.

“Trump’s location, for many things to do, actually needs to succeed. We really need a reflection on the mayor’s problem in our world, which is not the climate change, society and narcissism. Especially in the United States. “It’s not capitalism, it’s narcissism. I’m surprised that we’re not going to have a psychopath live TV as the president has much time because it’s what we see on TV and what we see on Instagram”.

Puedes leather in La Verdad Noticias: Lana Del Rey responds to ‘n the consequences of Instagram posting

What are Lana del Rey’s statements about Donald Trump ?, Do you have any reason to believe? Dinos in the comments.

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