Lagarde en Davos: “In 2021 the recovery will take place, but it will not go down” – Economic, financial and business news

The head of the Central European Bank, Christine Lagarde, ensures that The recovery of the world economy is this, and in particular the European economies, “retreat, but do not fall”. This is a presentation by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

In the time-lapse marker of the second oval of Covid-19, which traverses the passages of the northern hemisphere, Lagarde distac que “the economic recovery in 2021 will progress in two phases”

In a first stage, have a “high level of interim dimming means that the vacancies are produced and implemented, and the blocks of the block can volverse ms strictly divided into the variants “.

There will be no fcil, much less than a quarterly quarter with negative crime, which will impact in the first quarter of 2021. “Everything has to be crucified, the patient has to recover, but the road is retreating, not to go down”, prognostics.

In this first phase, Lagarde points out that the states must continue with the assistance, which, for that matter, is the fiscal plan at the center of the stage. The economist subray que the objective is to continue to support all sectors of the economy and to ensure that financial conditions are favorable.

With reference to the second stage of recovery, Christine Lagarde remarks that the economy is reborn, so it is difficult to accept its proposals, even if it has positive aspects to end..

Among the first is the extinction of the FMI anot el

desempleo y la fuerte conscience that the climatic change is a priority

, while the list of favorable changes includes

Advances in digital digitization of products and employment

, while technological changes are positively affecting the affected sectors.

The president of the BCE participates in a panel that analyzes the companies and European governments that can generate sustainable crime, while boosting productivity.

Some of the panelists are the Minister of Economy and Finance of France, Bruno Le Maire; the Executive Director of Volkswagen AG, Herbert Diess; the President and CEO of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., David Solomon; and the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Germany, Peter Altmaier.

Segn an information that circulates in the forum, it is hoped that the economy of the euro zone will increase by 0.6% this quarter, according to the mayor of the Reuters polls of over 80 economists.

Each of the expectations is notorious. In December, the projections for a return of 1.1%, the estimate now is the case.

Loose central themes about what this new issue of the Davos Forum is about the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the world economy, together with the high levels of design and design.

Compile an informinin suministrada por los organizadores, ms of 1500 business, government and civil society leaders of ms of 70 pases are reunited virtually from 25 to 29 of January, to discuss the critical issues that are taking the wrong steps through their recovery paths to recovery.

The FEM herenig to the main political leaders of the world between the two Chinese presidents, Xi Jinping; of France, Emmanuel Macron, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihide Suga; the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen; the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, the President of Korea of ​​Sur, Moon Jae-in and the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong.

The President Alberto Fernndez will be one of the exhibitors. The turn of the Argentine mandate is the Jews.

The principal conductors of the international organisms also tend to lie in the enclosure with the President of the Central European Bank, Christine Lagarde; the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey; and the Director General of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva.

Tambin participates in the Secretary General of the Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas, Antonio Guterres; Tedros Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization; Anthony Fauci, Director of Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, Institutos Nacionales de Salud de Estados Unidos; ngel Gurra, Secretary-General of the Organization for Cooperacin and the Economic Development (OECD); Mauricio Claver-Carone, President of the Interamerican Bank of Development (BID); Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labor Organization (OIT);

The theme of the Davos reunion in “A crucial decision to reconstruct the trust” and the debates between the systems and the most economical economic systems, to encourage the transformation and industrial creation, to improve the administration of global commons (as well as shared natural resources of the world), approve the technologies of the Cuarta Revolucin Industrial in promoting global and regional cooperation.

The founder and creator of FEM, Klaus Schwab, stated that “economic crime must be ms resistant, ms inclusive and ms sustainable”.

Schwab notes that “in 2021 it will be critical and fundamental to the future of humanity”, and will help the global leaders to concentrate “on reconstructing confidence and creating a resilient, inclusive and sustainable economic environment”.

In an informative session on the traverses of the Zoom platform, Schwab confirms that the important reason we have is to fight against the virus. What we need to do is restore confidence in our world. basis for a mind oriented mind the future and build a world for the moon “.

“The need to restore the priorities and the urgency of reforming the systems has been neglected all over the world,” said Professor Schwab.

Thus, the president of the FEM, Borge Brende, says that “Asia tends to be an important pillar that despairs in the recovery of the world economy. The government represents the 50th percentile of GDP and the world population”.

Weekly discussions include food working groups on global topics covered by the Special Annual Reunion to be held in Singapore from 25 to 28 May, with a focus on solutions that should be surpassed.

This reunion will also be the first in person on a large scale of the world since the pandemic and the forum will be held in Singapore facilities to accommodate health and safety issues.

“We have many ways to reunite physically in Singapore,” Brende said, adding that various governmental and business leaders have shown interest in joining the Republic for reunions.

“In Singapore we are trying to get rid of the confusion and the three C: Covid-19, climate change and cooperation”, dijo al recordar that the goblins have had ms with 12 billions of dollars in total.

It’s hoped that sea and ms important tener “concrete results” when the encounter took place in the city Estado, remark.
