Lady Gaga has a big difference – Gente – Cultura

Luego de recibir un disparo en el pecho y salvarse de milagro, Ryan Fischer, cuidador de los perros de lady Gaga finds itself in recovery.

It passed on February 25, while it passed on Koji, Gustav and Asia, tres de las mascotas la la estrella, varios malbres descendieron de un vehicula y robaron a los dos primeros.

(Además: The reward that tends to be the woman who finds Lady Gaga’s horses)

To hurtarlos, the fisher disappears, who can not do anything to avoid aggression. Herido, aided by Asia, is one of the animals that has been known to read emergencies.

Los hechos ocurrieron en Los Ángeles, a las 21:40 mientras la artist et encontraba afuera grabando un pelicula.

“I have a couple of days, I have a car and the bloodbath of my ball, a angel trotted out and being joined by me. My panicked grunts are calming down the road, including when I was shocked by the fact that the song was already around her. Abracé a Asia tanto como pude“I like the adventurous things I have to do, I can forgive them for not defending my men, and I’ve decided to do something worthwhile, and I’m sorry,” Fisher said in his speech.

A woman carried the mascots to a police station in Los Angeles, where Lady Gaga was taken, who, in addition, was carrying a load of Fisher’s guests. Assuming that the lords, taking the media and police pressure, decide to leave the animals abandoned on the calf.

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The culprit is accompanied by his family, while the authorities are investigating the hechos, since it is not the first time that roban bulldogs French, a very difficult race to create.

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