The demanding diary agenda that has to be completed lady Gaga, the liver has to take care of its diet, although contrary to what we think, the song does not follow any restricted diet to lose weight, and the main thing is that each a lot of energy proportion, to give it 100% over the scenarios.
Para llevarlo a cabo, la cantante cuente con una gran aliada y amiga, the boss Bo O’Connor, which is designed for a diet plan that more than maintains in the ideal weight, has that each menu is sabroso, saludable and connects the fiber necessary for it to be sown for the longest time. We know what to do.

O’Conner confó – a The festival what to interpret The cure If you feel like eating a healthy diet while exercising, it is essential for you to increase your energy levels through exercise and exercise. “Usually his shows are very intense, so he obviously can not feed Doritos”.
Gaga likes to try everything “is adventurous”, as it builds its menu of pieces with the available ingredients. “In general, treat yourself with all kinds of processed foods, or elaborate with white cheese”, opting to include products based on trigo or integral granos, say the chef.
Get started with the right path
Sounds, like these are the words of Mother Monster ? The chef says that it varies from day to day, but always includes key foxes of different shapes or sizes. egg whites, vegetables, other vegetables, Greek yogurt, granola and various fruits. “When it comes to French toast or more delicious algae, it prepares a more palatable and nutritious version. For example, I change the white pan to the integral pan, ”comments O’Conner.

Meriendas saludables
Other foods that add suman energy to the song, are the meriendas o snacks , in that his ally always alternates between dulce and salad. Esto includes deliciosos pretzels Integrals, cruising gallons, nutritional bars, nuts or baked chips which combines with negro chocolate or almond butter. It’s hard to believe that I need to get hydrated constantly, but when I’m on stage, it’s because bebe mucho té, agua de coco o jugos verdes.